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Why do you cause me to see evil [while] you look at trouble? Destruction and violence happen before me; contention and strife arise.

Verse ConceptsDissensionContentiousnessDestructionViolence In The EarthFighting One AnotherWhy Does God Do This?Injustice

"Look among the nations and see; be astonished and astounded. For a work [is about to] be done in your days that you will not believe if it is told.

Verse ConceptsAmazingScoffingUngodlinessDoubting GodLooking And SeeingWhat God Does

For look! I am raising up the Chaldeans, the bitter and impetuous nation, the one who walks through the spacious places of earth to take possession of dwellings not belonging to it.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Israel and JudahRashnessLiving In HousesProcessionsQuestioning GodBitterness

Their horses [are] more swift than leopards; they are more menacing than wolves [at] dusk. Their horsemen gallop; their horsemen come from afar; they fly like an eagle [that is] swift to devour.

Verse ConceptsHorsesLeopardWingsBirds, Types Of BirdsRiding HorsesSpeedEaglesWolvesPeople From Far AwayThose Flying

All of them come for violence, their faces pressing forward. They gather captives like the sand.

Verse ConceptsPrisonersWindDealing With Many PeoplePursuing ViolenceSand And Gravel

Then they sweep [like the] wind and pass on; they become guilty, whose might [is] their god!"

Verse ConceptsLimitations Of StrengthFound GuiltyMen As Gods

You make humankind like fish of the sea, like crawling creatures that have no ruler among them.

Verse ConceptsSeaAnarchyNo KingThe OceanFish

{How much less} the defiant; [the] arrogant, treacherous man? He who broadens his throat like Sheol, and who, like death, is not satisfied, and who gathers to himself all the nations, and harvested for himself all the peoples, will not succeed.

Verse ConceptsCoveting, prohibition ofdissatisfactionAmbition, Warnings RegardingGrave, TheSatisfactionWorldly AmbitionCovetousness, Nature ofAlcohol ConsumptionEffect Of WineDealing With The NationsThe Fact Of Death

Look! [Is it] not from Yahweh of hosts that people labor for mere fire, and nations exhaust themselves for mere vanity?

Verse ConceptsFutilityPhysical LabourBurning CitiesUseless LabourToiling In VainCaused By God

Woe to [him who] says to the wood, 'Wake up!' [And] to a lifeless stone, 'Arise!' Can he teach? Look, it is covered [with] gold and silver, and there is no breath within it.

Verse ConceptsGoldGuidance, Need For God'sIdolatry, Objections ToSleep, SpiritualStonesWoodOverlaid With GoldOverlaid With SilverHaving No BreathDumbnessDumbNot Able To Get UpWake Up!Woe To The Wickedguidanceawakeningbreath

You pierced the head of his warriors with his own arrows; they came like a whirlwind to scatter me, their exultation like [one who] devours the afflicted in ambush.

Verse ConceptsPoor, The Wicked Response ToActing In SecretNot Helping The PoorRejoicing In Evil

Yahweh, my Lord, [is] my strength; he makes my feet like the deer; he causes me to walk on my high places. To the choirmaster with stringed instruments.

Verse ConceptsFeetDeersHigh PlacesMusicOccupationsRich, TheAnimals, Types OfStringsFeet SecureGod Our StrengthDeer Etc.ancient ChoirsDeerphotographyinstruments