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"Who are you?" they asked him. "We must give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?"

Then he told those who were selling the doves, "Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father's house a marketplace!"

and will come out those who have done what is good to the resurrection that leads to life, and those who have practiced what is evil to the resurrection that ends in condemnation.

Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were seated. He also distributed as much fish as they wanted.

So they collected and filled twelve baskets full of pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.

But there are some among you who don't believe..." - because Jesus knew from the beginning those who weren't believing, as well as the one who would betray him.

Now he said this about the Spirit, whom those who were believing in him were to receive, because the Spirit was not yet present and Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Then the neighbors and those who had previously seen him as a beggar said, "This is the man who used to sit and beg, isn't it?"

Then Jesus said, "I have come into this world to judge it, so that those who are blind may see and so that those who see may become blind."

If he called those to whom a message from God came "gods' (and the Scripture cannot be disregarded),

There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him.

Now some Greeks were among those who had come up to worship at the festival.

"I am asking on their behalf. I am not asking on behalf of the world, but on behalf of those you gave me, because they are yours.

I ask not only on behalf of these men, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their message,

Why do you question me? Question those who heard what I said. These are the people who know what I said."

Jesus told him, "Is it because you've seen me that you have believed? How blessed are those who have never seen me and yet have believed!"