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down to the day when, after issuing his orders by the holy Spirit to the disciples whom he had chosen, he was taken up to heaven.

As he went up, their eyes were fixed on heaven; but just then two men stood beside them dressed in white,

who said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back, just as you have seen him depart to heaven."

Now during these days Peter stood up among the brothers (there was a crowd of about a hundred and twenty persons all together).

With the money paid him for his crime he purchased an estate; but swelling up he burst in two, and all his bowels poured out ??19 a fact which became known to all the residents in Jerusalem, so that the estate got the name, in their language, of Akeldamach or The Ground of Blood.

from the baptism of John down to the day when he was taken up from us ??of these men one must join us as a witness to his resurrection."

But Peter stood up along with the eleven, and raising his voice he addressed them thus: "Men of Judaea and residents in Jerusalem, let everyone of you understand this ??attend to what I say:

The God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers has glorified Jesus his servant, whom you delivered up and repudiated before Pilate. Pilate had decided to release him,

for Moses said, The Lord our God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brotherhood, as he raised me: you must listen to whatever he may tell you.

It was for you first that God raised up his Servant, and sent him to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

And the younger men rose, wrapped the body up and carried it away to be buried.

"We found the prison safely locked up with the sentries posted at the doors, but on opening the doors we found no one inside!"

But a Pharisee in the Sanhedrin called Gamaliel, a doctor of the Law who was highly respected by all the people, got up and ordered the apostles to be removed for a few moments.

In days gone by Theudas started up, claiming to be a person of importance; a number of men, about four hundred of them, rallied to him, but he was slain, and all his followers were dispersed and wiped out.

After him Judas the Galilean started up at the time of the census, and got people to desert to him; but he perished too, and all his followers were scattered.

It was at this period that Moses was born, a divinely beautiful child. For three months he was brought up in his father's house;

then he was exposed, but Pharaoh's daughter adopted him and brought him up as her own son.

When Moses saw this, he marvelled at the sight; and as he went up to look at it, the voice of the Lord said,

(This was the Moses who told the sons of Israel, 'God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brotherhood, as he raised me.')

So he got up and went on his way. Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch, a high official of Candace the queen of the Ethiopians (he was her chief treasurer), who had come to Jerusalem for worship

When Philip ran up, he heard him reading the prophet Isaiah. "Do you really understand what you are reading?"

he asked. "Why, how can I possibly understand it," said the eunuch, "unless some one puts me on the right track?" And he begged Philip to get up and sit beside him.

When they came up from the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, and the eunuch lost sight of him. He went on his way rejoicing,

Saul got up from the ground, but though his eyes were open he could see nothing; so they took his hand and led him to Damascus.

In a moment something like scales fell from his eyes, he regained his sight, got up and was baptized.

"Aeneas," said Peter, "Jesus the Christ cures you! Get up and make your bed!" He got up at once.

So Peter got up and went with them. When he arrived, they took him up to the room, where all the widows stood beside him crying as they showed him the garments and dresses that Dorcas used to make when she was with them.

Peter put them all outside; then he knelt down and prayed, and turning to the body said, "Tabitha, rise." She opened her eyes, and on seeing Peter she sat up.

Next day they were still on the road and not far from the town, when Peter went up to the roof of the house about noon to pray.

Come, get up and go down, and have no hesitation about accompanying them, for it is I who have sent them."

So he invited them in and entertained them. Next day he was up and off with them, accompanied by some of the brothers from Joppa;

but Peter raised him, saying, "Get up, I am only a man myself."

So when Peter came up to Jerusalem, the circumcision party fell foul of him.

So Paul stood up and motioning with his hand said, "Listen, men of Israel and you who reverence God.

After deposing him, he raised up David to be their king, to whom he bore this testimony that 'In David, the son of Jessai, I have found a man after my own heart, who will obey all my will.'

After the synagogue broke up, a number of the Jews and the devout proselytes followed them; Paul and Barnabas talked to them and encouraged them to hold by the grace of God.

But the Jews incited the devout women of high rank and the leading men in the town, who stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and drove them out of their territory.

said in a loud voice, "Stand erect on your feet." Up he jumped and began to walk.

However, as the disciples gathered round him, he got up and went into the town. Next day he went off with Barnabas to Derbe,

As a sharp dispute and controversy sprang up between them and Paul and Barnabas, it was arranged that Paul and Barnabas, along with some others of their number, should go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and presbyters at Jerusalem about this question.

But some of the believers who belonged to the Pharisaic party got up and said, "Gentiles must be circumcised and told to observe the law of Moses."

and a keen controversy sprang up; but Peter rose and said to them, "Brothers, you are well aware that from the earliest days God chose that of you all I should be the one by whom the Gentiles were to hear the word of the gospel and believe it.

But when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia the Jews without exception rose against Paul and brought him up before the tribunal,

he reached Caesarea, went up to the capital to salute the church, and travelled down to Antioch.

and numbers who had practised magic arts collected their books and burned them in the presence of all. On adding up the value of them, it was found that they were worth two thousand pounds.

In the window sat a young man called Eutychus, and as Paul's address went on and on, he got overcome with drowsiness, went fast asleep, and fell from the third storey. He was picked up a corpse,

but, when our time was up, we started on our journey, escorted by them, women and children and all, till we got outside the town. Then, kneeling on the beach, we prayed

Now when we heard this, we and the local disciples besought Paul not to go up to Jerusalem.

After these days we packed up and started for Jerusalem,

The seven days were almost over when the Asiatic Jews, catching sight of him in the temple, stirred up all the crowd and laid hands on him,

Then the commander came up and seized him; he ordered him to be bound with a couple of chains, and asked "Who is he?" and "What has he done?"

"I am a Jew, born at Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel in all the strictness of our ancestral Law, ardent for God as you all are to-day.

I said, 'What am I to do?' And the Lord said to me, 'Get up and make your way into Damascus; there?you shall be told about all you are destined to do.'

came to me and standing beside me said, 'Saul, my brother, regain your sight!' The same moment I regained my sight and looked up at him.

They had strapped him up, when Paul said to the officer who was standing by, "Are you allowed to scourge a Roman citizen ??and to scourge him without a trial?"

Thus a loud clamour broke out. Some of the scribes who belonged to the Pharisaic party got up and contended, "We find nothing wrong about this man. What if some spirit or angel has spoken to him?"

The fact is, we have found this man is a perfect pest; he stirs up sedition among the Jews all over the world and he is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect.

because it is not more than twelve days, as you can easily ascertain, since I went up to worship at Jerusalem.

and it was in presenting these that I was found within the temple. I was ceremonially pure, I was not mixed up in any mob or riot; no, the trouble was caused by some Jews from Asia,

Three days after Festus entered his province, he went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem.

As Festus wanted to ingratiate himself with the Jews, he asked Paul, "Will you go up to Jerusalem and be tried there by me upon these charges?"

If I am a criminal, if I have done anything that deserves death, I do not object to die; but if there is nothing in any of their charges against me, then no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar!"

I told them Romans were not in the habit of giving up any man until the accused met the accusers face to face and had a chance of defending himself against the impeachment.

but when his accusers stood up they did not charge him with any of the crimes that I had expected.

Only, I have nothing definite to write to the sovereign about him. So I have brought him up before you all, and especially before you, O king Agrippa, in order that I may have something to write as the result of your cross-examination.

How I lived from my youth up among my own nation and at Jerusalem, all that early career of mine, is known to all the Jews.

I did so in Jerusalem. I shut up many of the saints in prison, armed with authority from the high priests; when they were put to death, I voted against them;

Now get up and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you in order to appoint you to my service as a witness to what you have seen and to the visions you shall have of me.

I announced to those at Damascus and at Jerusalem in the first instance, then all over the land of Judaea, and also to the Gentiles, that they were to repent and turn to God by acting up to their repentance.

When a moderate southerly breeze sprang up, they thought they had secured their object, and after weighing anchor they sailed along the coast of Crete, close inshore.

the ship was caught and unable to face the wind, so we gave up and let her drive along.

for many days neither sun nor stars could be seen, the storm raged heavily, and at last we had to give up all hope of being saved.

When they had gone without food for a long time, Paul stood up among them and said, "Men, you should have listened to me and spared yourselves this hardship and loss by refusing to set sail from Crete.

Cheer up, men! I believe God, I believe it will turn out just as I have been told.

Striking a reef, they drove the ship aground; the prow jammed fast, but the stern began to break up under the beating of the waves.

The natives waited for him to swell up or drop down dead in a moment, but after waiting a long while and observing that no harm had befallen him, they changed their minds and declared he was a god.

His father, it so happened, was laid up with fever and dysentery, but Paul went in to see him and after prayer laid his hands on him and cured him.

Then tacking round we reached Rhegium; next day a south wind sprang up which brought us in a day to Puteoli,