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And it was made clear to them by God in a dream that they were not to go back to Herod; so they went into their country by another way.

And he came and was living in a town named Nazareth: so that the word of the prophets might come true, He will be named a Nazarene.

But Jesus made answer, saying to him, Let it be so now: because so it is right for us to make righteousness complete. Then he gave him baptism.

And going away from Nazareth, he came and made his living-place in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the country of Zebulun and Naphtali:

And news of him went out through all Syria; and they took to him all who were ill with different diseases and pains, those having evil spirits and those who were off their heads, and those who had no power of moving. And he made them well.

Truly I say to you, You will not come out from there till you have made payment of the very last farthing.

Do not give that which is holy to the dogs, or put your jewels before pigs, for fear that they will be crushed under foot by the pigs whose attack will then be made against you.

Everyone, then, to whom my words come and who does them, will be like a wise man who made his house on a rock;

And the captain in answer said, Lord, I am not good enough for you to come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant will be made well.

And Jesus said to the captain, Go in peace; as your faith is, so let it be done to you. And the servant was made well in that hour.

And in the evening, they took to him a number of people who had evil spirits; and he sent the spirits out of them with a word, and made well all who were ill;

And the evil spirits made strong prayers to him, saying, If you send us out, let us go into the herd of pigs.

And all the town came out to Jesus; and seeing him they made request that he would go away from their part of the country.

Because, she said to herself, if I may but put my hand on his robe, I will be made well.

And their eyes were made open. And Jesus said to them sharply, Let no man have knowledge of it.

Have, then, no fear of them: because nothing is covered which will not come to light, or secret which will not be made clear.

The blind see; those who were not able to, are walking; lepers are made clean; those who were without hearing, now have their ears open; the dead come to life again, and the poor have the good news given to them.

We made music for you and you did not take part in the dance; we gave cries of sorrow and you made no signs of grief.

And there was a man with a dead hand. And they put a question to him, saying, Is it right to make a man well on the Sabbath day? so that they might have something against him.

Then said he to the man, Put out your hand. And he put it out, and it was made as well as the other.

And Jesus, having knowledge of this, went away from there, and a great number went after him; and he made them all well,

Then they took to him one with an evil spirit, who was blind and had no power of talking: and he made him well so that he had the power of talking and seeing.

And having knowledge of their thoughts he said to them, Every kingdom having division in itself is made waste, and every town or house having division in itself will come to destruction.

Then he says, I will go back into my house from which I came out; and when he comes, he sees that there is no one in it, but that it has been made fair and clean.

For the heart of this people has become fat and their ears are slow in hearing and their eyes are shut; for fear that they might see with their eyes and give hearing with their ears and become wise in their hearts and be turned again to me, so that I might make them well.

That it might come true which was said by the prophet, Opening my mouth, I will give out stories; I will give knowledge of things kept secret from before all time.

So he gave her his word with an oath to let her have whatever she might make request for.

And he gave orders for the people to be seated on the grass; and he took the five cakes of bread and the two fishes and, looking up to heaven, he said words of blessing, and made division of the food, and gave it to the disciples, and the disciples gave it to the people.

And straight away he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, till he had sent the people away.

With the request that they might only put their hands on the edge of his robe: and all those who did so were made well.

But you say, If a man says to his father or his mother, That by which you might have had profit from me is given to God;

There is no need for him to give honour to his father. And you have made the word of God without effect because of your teaching.

And he made answer and said, It is not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs.

And there came to him great numbers of people having with them those who were broken in body, or blind, or without voice, or wounded, or ill in any way, and a number of others; they put them down at his feet and he made them well:

So that the people were full of wonder when they saw that those who had no voice were talking, the feeble were made strong, those whose bodies were broken had the power of walking, and the blind were able to see: and they gave glory to the God of Israel.

And Jesus made answer and said to him, A blessing on you, Simon Bar-jonah: because this knowledge has not come to you from flesh and blood, but from my Father in heaven.

I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever is fixed by you on earth will be fixed in heaven: and whatever you make free on earth will be made free in heaven.

And Peter made answer and said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if you will let me, I will make here three tents, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

Truly I say to you, Whatever things are fixed by you on earth will be fixed in heaven: and whatever you make free on earth will be made free in heaven.

And because he was not able to make payment, his lord gave orders for him, and his wife, and his sons and daughters, and all he had, to be given for money, and payment to be made.

And he would not: but went and put him into prison till he had made payment of the debt.

Then his lord sent for him and said, You evil servant; I made you free of all that debt, because of your request to me:

And his lord was very angry, and put him in the hands of those who would give him punishment till he made payment of all the debt.

They say to him, Why then did Moses give orders that a husband might give her a statement in writing and be free from her?

For there are men who, from birth, were without sex: and there are some who were made so by men: and there are others who have made themselves so for the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to take it, let him take it.

Then some people took little children to him, so that he might put his hands on them in blessing: and the disciples said sharp words to them.

And when he had made an agreement with the workmen for a penny a day, he sent them into his vine-garden.

And when they got it, they made a protest against the master of the house,

Saying, These last have done only one hour's work, and you have made them equal to us, who have undergone the hard work of the day and the burning heat.

And will give him up to the Gentiles to be made sport of and to be whipped and to be put to death on the cross: and the third day he will come back again from the dead.

But Jesus made answer and said, You have no idea what you are requesting. Are you able to take of the cup which I am about to take?

They say to him, We are able. He says to them, Truly, you will take of my cup: but to be seated at my right hand and at my left is not for me to give, but it is for those for whom my Father has made it ready.

And the blind and the broken in body came to him in the Temple, and he made them well.

Have you any idea what these are saying? And Jesus said to them, Yes: have you not seen in the Writings, From the lips of children and babies at the breast you have made your praise complete?

And they made answer and said, We have no idea. Then he said to them, And I will not say to you by what authority I do these things.

And he came to the second and said the same. And he made answer and said, I go, sir: and went not.

Give ear to another story. A master of a house made a vine garden, and put a wall round it, and made a place for crushing out the wine, and made a tower, and let it out to field-workers, and went into another country.

And the workmen made an attack on his servants, giving blows to one, putting another to death, and stoning another.

Jesus says to them, Did you never see in the Writings, The stone which the builders put on one side, the same has been made the chief stone of the building: this was the Lord's doing, and it is a wonder in our eyes?

Again he sent out other servants, with orders to say to the guests, See, I have made ready my feast: my oxen and my fat beasts have been put to death, and all things are ready: come to the feast.

Then the Pharisees went and had a meeting to see how they might make use of his words to take him.

A curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! for you are like the resting-places of the dead, which are made white, and seem beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and of all unclean things.

Then all those virgins got up, and made ready their lights.

But the wise made answer, saying, There may not be enough for us and you; it would be better for you to go to the traders and get oil for yourselves.

But he made answer and said, Truly I say to you, I have no knowledge of you.

Straight away he who had been given the five talents went and did trade with them, and made five more.