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when there appear'd to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the incense-altar.

and he shall march before him, in the spirit and power of Elias, to reconcile parents and children together, and the unruly to the practice of justice, that the people may be duly dispos'd to receive the Lord.

and on the eighth day were present at the circumcision of the child. but upon their proposing to call him by his father's name, Zacharias: his mother objected to it,

they therefore ask'd his father to signify how he would have him call'd.

and made an impression upon all that heard of them. what a child will this be? said they, for the divine influence does attend him.

that we should be delivered from the power of our enemies, and serve him with security,

when they had seen him, they divulged what the angel had told them concerning this child.

At length the time appointed by the law of Moses for the purification of women being accomplish'd, they carried the infant to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, according as his law directs,

then he took him up in his arms, and returned thanks to God in these words, "now,

Joseph and the mother of Jesus were surprized to hear such things pronounc'd concerning him.

so that they went a whole day's journey, imagining he was somewhere among the company, and then they look'd for him among their relations and acquaintance; but not finding him,

they turn'd back to Jerusalem to enquire for him there.

three days after they found him in the temple, sitting near the doctors, attending to them and asking them questions.

and all that heard him were astonish'd at his understanding and answers.

when Joseph and his mother saw him, great was their surprize: and his mother said to him, son, why did you leave us thus? your father and I have been looking for you with great concern.

he said therefore to the people that crowded to be baptized by him, ye brood of vipers, who has prompted you to flee from approaching wrath?

Upon which the people asked him, what then shall we do?

the Publicans likewise came to be baptized, and said to him, master, how are we to act?

then the devil said to him; if you are the son of God, command this stone to become bread.

but Jesus answered him, it is written, "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every thing that God appoints."

next, the devil brought him to Jerusalem, and setting him on the battlements of the temple, said to him, if you be the son of God, throw your self down from this height,

they delivered to him the book of the prophet Esaias, and upon opening the book, that passage occurr'd, where it is written,

then he closed the book, and returning it to the minister, he sat down: and as the eyes of the whole synagogue were fix'd with attention upon him,

They all applauded him, and were surprized, that what he said, was delivered with so much grace. but they objected, is not this the son of Joseph?

and breaking up the assembly, they drove him out of the city, to the precipice of the hill, upon which it was built, in order to throw him headlong down.

but Jesus rebuk'd him, saying, be dumb, and come out of him. upon which the demon threw him down in the midst of the assembly, and came out, without doing him any harm.

When Jesus came out of the synagogue, he went to Simon's house, whose mother-in-law was seized with a violent fever, and they desired him to relieve her.

As soon as the sun was set, all sorts of diseased persons were brought before him by their friends, and he healed them all, by laying his hands upon them.

many were dispossess'd of the demons, who cried aloud, you are the Messiah, the son of God. but he rebuked them, and would not suffer them to declare, that they knew him to be the Messiah.

When it was day, he retired into a desart place, where the people searching for him, found him out, and as they earnestly press'd him not to leave them,

One day, as the people press'd after him to hear his divine preaching, he came near the lake of Gennesereth,

he went therefore aboard one of the vessels, which was Simon's, and desired him to bear away a little from land. then he sat down, and preached to the people from the ship.

then having brought their boats to shore, they left every thing, and followed him.

As he was going to one of the cities in that country, a man cover'd all over with leprosy happen'd to meet Jesus, and prostrating himself before him, thus address'd him, Lord, if you will, you can cure me.

then Jesus stretch'd out his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou cured. and immediately the leprosy disappear'd:

and he charg'd him not to tell any man: but go, said he, present your self to the priest, and offer what the law requires for your purification, that it may be an evidence to them.

in the mean time his fame spread so much the more, and a vast multitude flock'd to hear him, and to be cured of their diseases,

for instance, they brought a man in his bed lying sick of the palsy: and try'd to. bring him directly into his presence.

but when they found it impracticable to bring him in through the crowd, they went up the gallery to the leads, and let him down through the ceiling in his bed among the company, where Jesus was,

but that ye may know, that the son of man hath power to forgive sins, rise, said he, to the paralytick, 'tis I command you, take up your bed, and go home.

immediately he started up before them all, took up the bed, where he lay, and went home, glorifying God.

After this Jesus left the place, and seeing a publican named Levi, sitting at the custom-house, he said to him, follow me.

Levi having prepared a handsom entertainment in his own house for him, a great number of publicans, and others, were likewise at table.

I came not to call saints, but sinners to repentance. Then they ask'd him, how comes it that John's disciples,

but as he knew their thoughts, he said to the man, whose hand was paralytic, rise up, and stand there in the middle. and he arose, and stood before him.

then said Jesus to them, I will ask you one question, which is the most allowable on the sabbath-day, to do good, or to neglect it? to save a man's life, or to let him perish?

At length he came down the hill with them, and stayed with the rest of his disciples in the plain, where a great multitude of people from all Judea, from Jerusalem, and the maritime country of Tyre and Sidon, came to hear him, and to have their diseases cured.

so that all the people strove to touch him: for a divine virtue flowed from him, which healed them all.

this centurion having heard of Jesus's fame, sent several elders of the Jews to intreat him to come, and recover his servant.

accordingly they came to Jesus and earnestly pressed him, saying, he very well deserves you should do him this favour; for he loves our nation,

then Jesus went with him, and when he was advanced near the house, the centurion sent some of his friends to him, saying, "Lord, don't give yourself the trouble of coming, I don't deserve you should honour my house with your presence.

when Jesus heard this, he admired the man, and turning about, he said to the people, that followed him, I assure you, I have not met with such an instance of faith even among the Jews themselves.

and the deceased sat up, and began to speak, and Jesus delivered him to his mother.

all the people, even the publicans, upon hearing him, gave glory to God, by receiving the baptism of John;

which the Pharisee, who had invited him, observing, he thus argued with himself, if this man were a prophet, he could not but know that the woman, who is so busy with him, is a person of a loose character.

having not wherewithal to pay it, he freely discharged them both of the debt. tell me now, which of the two will love him most?

I think, said Simon, he that had the greatest debt remitted to him. you are in the right, said Jesus.

but they who sat at table with him, began to ask one another, who is this, that pretends even to forgive sins?

Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's high-steward: Susanna, and several others, who assisted him with their fortunes.

A vast number of people being assembled, and crowding to him from all quarters, he thus address'd himself to them by way of parable.

but some of the corn fell into good soil, and grew up, yielding a hundred grains for one. then raising his voice he concluded with these words, he that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

But his disciples having ask'd him the meaning of this parable;

One day the mother of Jesus, and his brethren came to speak with him, but could not get near by reason of the crowd.

so some of the company said to him, your mother and brethren are waiting without, desiring to see you.

then they came to wake him, crying, master, master, we are sinking. then he rose up, and rebuked the wind, and the waves: and both subside to a calm.

when he was landed, there met him a man, who belong'd to the city Gadara, and had been for a long time possessed by demons. he did not wear any cloaths, nor dwell in any house, but among the tombs.

upon seeing Jesus, he set up a great cry, fell down before him, and roar'd out, what business have you with me, Jesus son of the most high God? I beseech you torment me not.

upon Jesus's saying to him, what is your name? he answer'd, legion, (for many demons were enter'd into him.)

and they entreated him not to condemn them to the abyss.

then the Gadarenes of the adjacent parts unanimously desired him to leave their country: for they were greatly allarm'd. so he embark'd to cross over the lake.

now the man, who had been dispossess'd, begg'd to take him with him. but Jesus dismissed him,

saying, go home, and relate, what great things God hath done for you. whereupon he departed, and published through all the city, what a wonderful deliverance Jesus had wrought for him.

Jesus upon his return was received by a great number of people, who expected him.

Some time after, a person nam'd Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came to Jesus, and upon his knees desired him to come to his house:

for he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, who lay a dying. as he was on the way, the crowd press'd after him,

and among the rest a woman, who had been troubled with an hemorrhage twelve years, having consum'd her whole fortune upon physicians, who could none of them cure her; she getting behind him,

upon which Jesus said, who was it that touch'd me? they being all at a loss, what to answer, at length Peter, and the others with him, said, master, the crowd are squeezing and pressing about you, and yet you cry, "who touch'd me?"

then the woman finding she could not conceal herself, came trembling, and kneeling down before him, confess'd before all the people, why she had touch'd him, and how she was instantly cured.

While he was speaking, somebody came from the ruler of the synagogue's house, who said to him, your daughter is dead; 'tis in vain to importune the master any farther.

being come to the house, he suffer'd nobody to go into the room with him, except Peter, John and James, and the young woman's father and mother.

upon which, they knowing she was really dead, treated him with derision.

The Apostles, upon their return to Jesus, acquainted him with what they had done. and taking them with him, he retired into a desart place over-against the city of Bethsaida:

where the people, who were inform'd of it, followed him: which he did not discountenance, but explained to them the reign of the Messiah, and relieved those, who wanted to be cured.

As the day began to decline, the twelve came to him, and said, dismiss the multitude, that they may go to the nearest towns and villages for lodging and provisions: for here we are in a desart place.