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They then said to him: Who are you? that we may give an answer to those who sent us; what say you of yourself?

And he found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money-changers sit ting.

and said to those who sold doves: Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise.

And Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks, distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those who had reclined; and in like manner of the fishes, as much as they wished.

Then the Jews said among themselves: Whither is this man about to go, that we shall not find him? Is he about to go to those who are dispersed among the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?

But this he spoke of the Spirit, which those who believe on him were about to receive; for the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

And when Jesus stood up, and saw no one but the woman, he said to her: Woman, where are those who accused you? Has no one condemned you?

Then his neighbors, and those who had before seen him, that he was blind, said: Is not this he that sat and begged?

And Jesus said: For judgment have I come into this world, that those who see not, may see; and that those who see, may become blind.

There they made him a supper, and Martha served; but Lazarus was one of those who reclined at table with him.

Among those who came to worship at the feast were certain Greeks.

But none of those who reclined at table with him knew for what purpose he said this to him.

I pray, not for these only, but for those also who shall believe on me through their word;

This he said, that the word might be fulfilled which he had spoken: Of those whom thou hast given me; I have lost none.

Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard, what things I said to them. Behold, they know what I have said.