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For it has been shewn to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of the house of Chloe, that there are strifes among you.

but I will come quickly to you, if the Lord will; and I will know, not the word of those that are puffed up, but the power.

If then ye have judgments as to things of this life, set those to judge who are little esteemed in the assembly.

For and if indeed there are those called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, (as there are gods many, and lords many,)

And I became to the Jews as a Jew, in order that I might gain the Jews: to those under law, as under law, not being myself under law, in order that I might gain those under law:

and those parts of the body which we esteem to be the more void of honour, these we clothe with more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness;

So that tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to unbelievers; but prophecy, not to unbelievers, but to those who believe.

Now if Christ is preached that he is raised from among the dead, how say some among you that there is not a resurrection of those that are dead?

But if there is not a resurrection of those that are dead, neither is Christ raised:

And we are found also false witnesses of God; for we have witnessed concerning God that he raised the Christ, whom he has not raised if indeed those that are dead are not raised.

For if those that are dead are not raised, neither is Christ raised;

Since what shall the baptised for the dead do if those that are dead rise not at all? why also are they baptised for them?

If, to speak after the manner of man, I have fought with beasts in Ephesus, what is the profit to me if those that are dead do not rise? let us eat and drink; for to-morrow we die.

Such as he made of dust, such also those made of dust; and such as the heavenly one, such also the heavenly ones.