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And I spake to you at that time, saying, I shall not be able alone to bear you:

How shall I bear alone your burden and your lifting up and your strife

Your eyes saw what Jehovah did upon Baal-Peor: for every man who went after Baal-Peor, Jehovah thy God destroyed him from the midst of you.

In the other side of Jordan, in the valley over against the House of Peor, in the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who will dwell in Heshbon, whom Moses smote, and the sons of Israel, in their going out of Egypt.

And with Aaron Jehovah was greatly angry to destroy him: and I shall pray also for Aaron in that time.

And I shall pray to Jehovah, and say, Lord Jehovah, thou wilt not destroy thy people and thine inheritance which thou didst redeem in thy greatness, whom thou broughtest out of Egypt with a strong hand.

Thou shalt not eat it: upon the earth thou shalt pour it as water.

For Jehovah thy God blessed thee as he spake to thee: and thou didst lend to many nations, and thou shalt not borrow; and thou didst rule over many nations, and they shall not rule over thee.

Only its blood thou shalt not eat: upon the earth shalt thou pour it as water.

When there shall be to a man two wives, the one loved and the one hated, and they bare sons to him, the loved and the hated, and the first-born son was to her being hated:

For the word that they met you not with bread and with water in the way in your coming out of Egypt, and who hired against thee Balaam, son of Beor of Pethor, of Arum of the two rivers, to curse thee.

And if the man be poor, he shall not sleep with his pledge.

In his day thou shalt give his hire, and the sun shall not go down upon it, for he is poor, and he lifted up his soul to it; and he will cry against thee to Jehovah, and it was sin in thee.

And it is the first-born which she shall bear shall rise up upon the name of his brother the dead, and his name shall not be wiped from Israel

Jehovah will open to thee his good store, the heavens to give the rain of thy land in its time, and to bless all the doing of thy hand: and thou didst lend to many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.

And upon her afterbirth coming forth from between her feet, and upon her sons which she shall bear: for she will eat them in want of all things, in secret, in the distress and in the straitness which thine enemy shall press upon thee in thy gates.

My doctrine shall drop as the rain; My word shall pour out as the dew, As the showers upon the herbage, And as the rains upon the green herb: