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In his causing to see the riches of the glory of his kingdom, and the honor of his great splendor many days, eighty and one hundred days.

And in these days being completed the king made to all the people being found in Shushan the fortress, a drinking to the great and even to the small, seven days, in the enclosure of the garden of the king's house;

And the decree of the king which he shall make being heard in all his kingdom, (for it is great,) and all the women shall give honor to their husbands, to the great and even to the small.

And the king will make a great drinking to all his chiefs and his servants; Esther's drinking; and he made rest to the provinces, and he will give a lifting up according to the hand of the king.

And Mordecai knew all that was done, and Mordecai will rend his garments, and put on sackcloth and ashes, and he will go forth into the city, and he will cry out a great and bitter cry;

And in every province and province the place where the word of the king and his edict coming, great mourning to the Jews, and fasting and weeping and wailing; sackcloth and ashes will be spread to many.

And Mordecai went forth from before the king in clothing of the kingdom, cerulean purple, and white, and a great crown of gold, and a wide robe of byssus and purple: and the city Shushan shouted and was glad:

For great was Mordecai in the house of the king, and his fame went into all the provinces: for the man Mordecai went and was magnified

For Mordecai the Jew was second to the king Ahasuerus, and great to the Jews, and acceptable to the multitude of his brethren, seeking good for his people, and speaking peace to all his seed.