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Her foes have become [her] {master}, her enemies are at ease; Yahweh has made her suffer because of the greatness of her transgressions. Her children have gone away, captive before the foe.

All her majesty has gone away from the daughter of Zion; her princes have become like young stags that have not found pasture; they have gone away without strength, before the pursuer.

Let all their evil come before you; and deal with them just as you have dealt with me because of all my crimes; for my groaning is much and my heart [is] faint.

"Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches; pour out your heart like water, before the face of the Lord. Lift to him your hands, for the life of your children, who faint in starvation, at the head of all streets."

{to deprive one of justice} before the face of the Most High;

The tongue of the nursling cleaves to its palate in thirst. Children beg [for] food, {no one lays it out before them}.