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Jesus replied to him, "You have said so; nevertheless I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of man sitting at the right side of Power [i.e., God Himself], and coming on the clouds of the sky."

Verse ConceptsLast ThingsRight Hand Of GodSittingSon Of ManSecond Coming Of ChristRight SidesAssentingMaranathaAccompanying The Second ComingAll Authority Has Been Given To Jesusmath

Now Peter was sitting outside in a courtyard and a servant-girl approached him and said, "You also were with Jesus, the Galilean."

Verse ConceptsCourtyardDenying ChristChrist With People On Earthdenial

And when he had gone out by the gate, another servant-girl saw him and said to those nearby, "This man also was with Jesus of Nazareth."

Verse ConceptsChrist With People On Earth

And a little later, those standing nearby came to Peter and said, "[We know] for sure, you also are one of them [i.e., Jesus' disciples], because your accent gives you away."

Verse ConceptsStandingThings RevealedNervousnessSpeech

The leading priests took the silver coins and said, "It is not permissible by the law of Moses to put this money in the Temple treasury, since it is the price [paid] for [taking] a life.

Verse ConceptsCoinageMoney, Uses OfTreasuriesResponsibility For Blood ShedIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyThe Chief Priests Condemning ChristMoney's DeficienciesMoney Boxpriests

[Thus the prophecy] spoken by Jeremiah, the prophet [Note: The passage actually appears to be Zech. 11:12-13], was fulfilled which said, "And they took the thirty silver coins, the amount charged for Him on whom certain Israelites had set a price,

Verse ConceptsValuesScriptures FulfilledNamed Prophets Of The LordPrice Set On Individuals

Now Jesus stood in front of the governor [i.e., Pilate], who asked Him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus answered him, "You have said so."

Verse ConceptsClaimsJews, TheKingship, DivineStandingTreasonInterrogatingAssentingChrist Is King Of Israel

Pilate then said to Him, "Do you not hear how many charges the witnesses are bringing against you?"

And he said, "Why [should he be]? What wrong has he done?" But they shouted out even louder, "Let him be crucified!"

Verse ConceptsGroups ShoutingChrist Would Be KilledWhat Sin?

saying, "You who [said you] would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself [from dying]; if you [really] are the Son of God, come down from the cross."

Verse ConceptsThe If's Of SatanAccusation, Satan's RoleThe Perfect TempleDestruction Of The TempleChrist Going DownWho Is Jesus?Saving OneselfRebuilding The TempleSatan Opposing God's Word

He trusted in God; now let God deliver him, if He wants [to save him from dying], for he said, 'I am the Son of God.'"

Verse ConceptsClaimsTrust, Importance OfBelieving In GodChrist Pleasing GodOthers Believing In God

And when some of those standing there heard this, they said, "This man is calling for Elijah."

Verse ConceptsChrist SummoningIndividual Prophets

But the rest of them said, "Let him alone; let us see if Elijah [really] comes to save him."

Verse ConceptsIndividual ProphetsLeave Them Alone

Mary from Magdala and the other Mary [i.e., probably Jesus' mother. See verse 56], stood near the grave site.

Verse ConceptsWomenOpposite SidesPeople Sitting DownJesus Tomb

and said, "Sir, we remember what that deceiver said while he was still alive: 'I will rise [from the dead] after three days.'

Verse ConceptsLordship, Human And DivinePeople RememberingChrist Would RiseWhilst Alive

Therefore, give the order to secure the grave site until the third day, so his disciples will not steal his body and then tell the people 'He has risen from the dead.' This last deception would be worse than the first one [i.e., the claim that Jesus rose from the dead would be worse than the claim that he was the Messiah]."

Verse ConceptsThe Disciples ActionsChrist Would RiseWorse

Pilate said to them, "Take [a group of] guards [with you]; go and make the grave site as secure as you can."

Verse ConceptsSepulchres

So, they went and secured the grave site, placing a [wax] seal on the stone, while the guards watched.

Verse ConceptsInfallible ProofsSealing Things

Now as the Sabbath day ended and the first day of the week [i.e., Sunday] approached [Note: See Mark 16:1-2 for the exact timing], Mary from Magdala and the other Mary [i.e., Jesus' mother. See Matt. 27:56] went to look at the grave site.

Verse ConceptsDawnGood FriendsThe First Day Of The WeekSundaySabbath, In NtFriendship, Examples OfDaybreakJesus TombAt DaybreakSabbath ObservedEarly RisingA New DayThe Empty Tomb Testifying His Resurrection

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus, who has been crucified.

Verse ConceptsChrist Was Killed

He is not here, for He has risen just as He said [He would]. Come and see the place where the Lord had been lying,

Verse ConceptsEasterJesus Christ, ResurrectionChrist Is RisenWhere From?The ResurrectionRisingRosesfitness

So, they left the grave site quickly, with fear and great joy, and ran to give the message to His disciples.

Verse ConceptsecstasyRunning With NewsTelling Of Jesus

Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers [i.e., the disciples, that you have seen me], so they can head for Galilee where they will see me."

Verse ConceptsSeeing The Risen ChristChrist's True FamilyTelling Of Jesus