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What then? do we screen ourselves? Not at all! For we have before accused both Jews and Greeks of being, all under sin;

Even as it is written - Father of many nations, have I appointed thee: before him whom he believed - God, who causeth the dead to live, and calleth the things that are not as things that are: -

And, even as Isaiah hath before said, - If, the Lord of hosts, had not left us a seed, as Sodom, had we become, and, as Gomorrha, had we been made like.

No longer, then, upon one another, let us be sitting in judgment, but, this, judge ye rather - not to be putting a cause of stumbling before your brother or an occasion to fall.

Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow-captives, who, indeed, are of note among the Apostles, who also before me had come to be in Christ.