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that no man might say, I baptised into my own name.

but the foolish things of this world hath God elected, that he might confound the wise; and the feeble things of the world hath God elected, that he might confound the mighty;

Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

every man's work shall be made manifest: for that day shall declare it, for it shall be laid open by fire; and the fire shall prove every man's work of what sort it is.

But these things, brethren, I have figuratively applied to myself, and Apollos for your sake; that in us ye might learn not to be attached, beyond what is written, lest one being for one [minister], ye be puffed up [with prejudice] against another.

Now ye are full, now ye have grown rich, ye have reigned without us: and I wish indeed that you may reign, that we also might reign together with you.

And ye are puffed up, though ought ye not rather to be grieved? that he who hath done this deed might be plucked from the midst of you.

Howbeit there is not in all men this knowledge; but some having conscientious respect for the idol to this moment, eat the meat as sacrificed to the idol; and their conscience being weak, is defiled.

But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither if we eat are we the better, or if we eat not are we the worse.

Wherefore if meat give occasion of offence to my brother, I will in no wise eat meat for ever, that I give no cause of offence to my brother.

if others partake of this power over you, ought not we much more? But we have not used this power, and we suffer all things, that we might not put any obstruction in the way of the gospel of Christ.

And I became to the Jews as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to those under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;

I became to the weak as weak, that I might gain the weak; I became all things to all men, that by every means I might save some.

But in the matter I am going to denounce, I do not commend you, that ye meet together not for the better, but for the worse.

But being judged, we are corrected by the Lord, that we might not be condemned with the world.

And if any man be hungry, let him eat at home; that ye meet not together for condemnation. And the other matters I will regulate when I come.

If then the whole church assemble together in the same place, and all speak different tongues, and there come in illiterate persons, or infidels, will they not say ye are mad?

and thus the secrets of his heart are made manifest; and so falling down on his face, he will worship God, declaring that God verily is among you.