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As we said before I now also say again, If any one preaches you a gospel contrary to what you have received let him be accursed.

neither did I go to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went to Arabia and returned again to Damascus.

For before some came from James he eat with the gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself; fearing those of the circumcision;

But when I saw that they walked not correctly, according to the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before all, If you being a Jew live after the manner of the gentiles, and not after the manner of the Jews, why do you compel the gentiles to practise Judaism?

O FOOLISH Galatians, who has fascinated you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been set forth among you crucified?

But before the faith came, we were kept shut up under the law for the faith to be revealed.

murders, drunkenness, revellings and the like, of which I tell you before, as I have also previously told you, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.