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How can I bear you {by myself}, your burden and your load and your strife?

Where [can] we go up? Our brothers have {made our hearts melt}, {saying}, "The people are greater and taller than we are, [and there are] great fortified cities [reaching] up to heaven, and we saw the sons of the Anakites [living] there." '

'Lord Yahweh, you have begun to show your servant your greatness and your strong hand, for what god [is there] in the heaven or on the earth who can do according to your works and according to your mighty deeds?

[Remember] the day that you stood {before} Yahweh your God at Horeb {when Yahweh said to me}, 'Summon for me the people so that I can tell them my words, that they may learn to fear me all [of] the days they [are] alive on the earth and so [that] they may teach their children.'

you said, 'Look, Yahweh our God has shown us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire; this day we have seen that God can speak with a human being, {yet he remains alive}.

"If you think in your heart, 'These nations [are] more numerous than I, so how can I dispossess them?'

[to] a land where you may eat food in it {without scarcity}; you will not find anything lacking in it, a land where its stones [are] iron and from its mountains you can mine copper.

No one can take a stand {against you}; your dread and your fear Yahweh your God will put on the {surface} of all the land {where you tread}, [just] as he {promised} to you.

{worthless men} have gone out from your midst and have seduced the inhabitants of their town, {saying}, 'Let us go and serve other gods!' whom you have not known,

Only these you may not eat from {those chewing the cud} and from {those having a division of the hoof}: the camel and the hare and the coney, because {they chew the cud}, but they [do] not divide the hoof; they are [therefore] unclean for you.

And if you say {to yourself}, 'How can we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken to him?'