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When their time of feasting had concluded, Job would rise early in the morning to send for them and consecrate them to God. He would offer a burnt offering for each one, because Job thought, "Perhaps my children sinned by cursing God in their hearts." Job did this time and again.

Some time later, when his children were celebrating in their oldest brother's house,

when the Sabeans attacked, captured the servants, and killed them with swords. I alone escaped to tell you!"

when a strong wind came straight out of the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on the young people, and they died. I alone escaped to tell you!"

When Job's three friends heard all these tragedies that happened to him, they each traveled from their home towns to visit him. Eliphaz came from Teman, Bildad came from Shuah, and Zophar came from Naamath. They met together and went to console and comfort him.

"Let the day when I was born be annihilated, along with the night when it was announced, "It's a boy!'

To those who are happy beyond measure when they reach their graves?

Now please think: Who has ever perished when they're innocent? Where have the upright been destroyed?

Full grown lions die when they cannot find prey; that's when the lion cubs are scattered.

Disquieting thoughts from dreams at night; when deep sleep falls on everyone.

You'll be protected from the accusing tongue; you need not fear destruction when it heads your way.

You'll know that your home is secure; when you search your possessions, and nothing will be missing.

But then the snow melts, and they disappear; when warmed, they evaporate from their stream beds.

When did I ever ask you for anything, say "Offer a bribe for me from your wealth?'

"When I lie down I ask, "When will I wake up?' But the night continues and I keep tossing and turning until dawn.

Will your irrational babble silence people, and when you mock them, will you escape without being shamed?

For he knows mankind's deceitfulness; when he sees iniquity, won't he himself consider it?

An empty-headed person will gain understanding when a wild donkey is born a human being!"

When you sleep, there'll be nothing to fear; and many will court your favor.

When he tears down, nobody rebuilds; when he incarcerates, nobody escapes.

When he withholds water, rivers dry up; when he lets them loose, they'll flood the land.

"But when a person dies and wastes away, when a person breathes his last, where will he be?

To them alone was the land given, when no invader passed through their midst.

Terrifying sounds ring in his ears; when times are prosperous, the Destroyer will attack him.

"He tore me apart when I was at ease; grabbing me by my neck, he shook me to pieces then he really made me his target.

For when only a few years have elapsed, I'll start down a path from which I'll never return."

"When are you going to stop your word hunt? Think first, and then we can talk.

"When you're thinking about asking yourselves, "How will we pursue him, since the root of the problem is with him?'

"It will come about that, when he has filled himself to the full, God will vent his burning anger on him; he will pour it out on him and on his body.

A flood will wash away his house; dragging it away when God becomes angry.

When I think about this, I'm petrified with terror and my body shudders uncontrollably."

What will they care for their household after them, when the number of his months comes to an end?"

when he is carried away to the cemetery and guardians are placed to watch his tomb?

who were snatched away before their time; when their foundation was swept away by a river?

When you make a decision on something, it will be established for you, and light will brighten your way.

"For when they're humbled, you may respond; "It's their pride!' but he delivers the humble.

That's why I'm terrified at his presence! When I think about it, I'm afraid of him.

Nevertheless, I haven't been silenced because of the darkness, even when thick darkness obscures my vision."

Will God hear his cry when distress overtakes him?

He will go to bed wealthy, but won't be doing that anymore! When he opens his eyes, it will be gone!

"I wish I could go back to how things were a few months ago; when God used to watch over me,

when his lamp used to shine over my head, so I could walk through the dark,

like when I was in my prime and God trusted me with his secrets!

"When people heard me speak, they blessed me; when people saw me, they approved me,

After I spoke, they had nothing to say, when what I said hit them.

I smiled at them when they had no confidence, and no one could discourage me.

"If I've refused to help my male and female servants when they complain against me,

what will I do when God stands up to act? When he asks the questions, how will I answer him?

if I've raised my hand against an orphan when I thought I would against him in court,

if I look at the sun when it shines or the moon as it rises in steady splendor,

but when he saw that there had been no response from those three, he got even more angry.

in a dream or night vision, when a deep sleep falls on mankind while they sleep on their beds.

That's when he opens the ear of mankind, authenticating his messages to them,

Thus he acknowledges their behavior, and overcomes them; when night time comes, they are crushed.

When he began speaking, he communicated only worthlessness; he added words upon words without knowing anything."

he'll reveal their actions to them, when their transgressions have become excessive.

He'll deliver the afflicted through their afflictions and open their ears when they are oppressed."

"Will your wealth sustain you when you're in distress, despite your most powerful efforts?

When the clouds pour down; they drop their rain on all of humanity.

Tell us! What are we to say to him? Can we prepare our case to face him when our faces are in darkness?

Has it been relayed to God that I want to talk? Can a person speak when he is confused?"

when I made clouds to be its clothes and thick darkness its swaddling blanket,

when I proscribed a boundary for it, set in place bars and doors for it;

when water solidifies like stone and the surface of the deepest sea freezes?

when dust dries into a mass and then breaks apart into clods?

when they crouch in their dens and lie in ambush in their lairs?

"Do you know when the mountain goat gives birth? Do you watch the doe as it calves its young?

Can you count the months of their gestation? Do you know the time when they give birth,

when they crouch down to give birth to their offspring, and let go of their birth pangs?

And yet when she gets ready to run, she laughs at the horse and its rider."

Leaping in his excitement, he takes in the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpets sound!

When the trumpet blasts he'll neigh, "Aha! Aha!' From a distance he can sense war, the war cry of generals, and their shouting."

"When you have adorned yourself with exalted majesty, clothed yourself with splendor and dignity,

What you see as a raging river doesn't alarm him; he is confident when the Jordan overflows.

When he rears up, the mighty are terrified; they are bewildered as he thrashes about.