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Ye shall not be as your fathers which the former prophets called to them, saying, Thus, said Jehovah of armies: Turn back now from your evil ways and your evil doings: and they heard not, and they attended not to me, says Jehovah.

And it will be as he called and they heard not; so they shall call, and I will not hear, said Jehovah of armies:

And ye shall not purpose evil, a man to his neighbor, in your heart; and ye shall not love the oath of falsehood: for all these which I hated, says Jehovah.

Thus said Jehovah of armies: In those days, that ten men shall take hold from all tongues of the nations, and they took hold of the wing of a man a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we heard God is with you.

And they were as the strong one of Ephraim, and their heart rejoiced as from wine: and their sons shall see, and rejoice; their heart shall exult in Jehovah.

And the thousands of Judah said in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem strength to me in Jehovah of armies their God.