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all Judea, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, went out to meet him, and having confess'd their sins, he baptized them in the river Jordan.

and Jesus threatned him, be mute, said he, and come out.

the Pharisees watched Jesus, to see if he would heal him on the sabbath-day, that so they might accuse him.

from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and the territory about Jordan, a considerable number of the inhabitants about Tyre and Sidon having heard of his great actions, came likewise to meet him.

but having no root at the bottom, they are only occasional professors, for if they meet with any trouble or persecution upon account of the word, immediately they revolt.

for there is nothing conceal'd but what shall be made manifest: nor was any thing kept secret, but in order to be divulged.

and as soon as Jesus was come out of the ship, he met a demoniack, who came from among the tombs, where he haunted,

as he was embarking, the late demoniack desired, that he might be with Jesus.

for Herodias made her appearance there, and danc'd with such an engaging air in the eye of Herod, as well as of all the company, that the king thus addrest himself to the young lady, "ask of me whatever you please, and it shall be granted."

Now the apostles met together in a body before Jesus, and gave him a full account, both of what they had done, and what they had taught.

and to whatever cities, towns, or villages he went, they expos'd the sick in the publick streets, entreating him, they might but touch the border of his garment; for as many as did so, were recover'd.

so they all eat and were satisfied, the broken meat that was left amounting to seven baskets.

then he put his hands upon his eyes, and made him look again. and his sight was so well recovered, he could see distinctly.

and the spirit came out of him, having made him roar, and thrown him into such agonies, that he became like one that was dead, and many were of opinion he actually was so.

Then they brought young children to him, that he might lay his hands upon them: but his disciples rebuked those that presented them.

When he was set out upon his journey, there met him one, who kneeling down before him, said, good master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?

accordingly they went, and finding the colt tied before a door, where two ways met, they untied it.

Jesus having made his entrance into Jerusalem, went into the temple, and after he had survey'd the whole, it being then late, he departed with the twelve to Bethany.

at the same time he explained himself to them in these words, is it not written, "my house shall be called a house of prayer to all nations?" but ye have made it a harbour for thieves.

Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad.

then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.

Within two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread. and the chief priests, with the Scribes, contriv'd how they might seize Jesus by surprize, and put him to death.

upon which he dispatch'd two of his disciples, and said to them: go into the city, and you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water; follow him.

then advancing a little further, he fell on the ground, and prayed, that this anxiety might pass from him.

saying, we heard him say, "I will pull down this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands."

the maid saw him a second time, and said to the standers-by, this is one of them:

and they struck him on the head with a cane, spit upon him, and bowing their knees, made a show of reverence.