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so he gathered all the high priests and scribes of the people and made inquiries of them about where the messiah was to be born.

He went and settled in a town called Nazaret, so that what had been said by the prophets might be fulfilled: 'He shall be called a Nazarene.'

This John had his clothes made of camel's hair, with a leather girdle round his loins; his food was locusts and wild honey.

When Jesus heard that, he marvelled; "I tell you truly," he said to his followers, "I have never met faith like this anywhere in Israel.

Now when evening came they brought him many demoniacs, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all the invalids ??17 that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled, He took away our sicknesses and he removed our diseases.

When he reached the opposite side, the country of the Gadarenes, he was met by two demoniacs who ran out of the tombs; they were so violent that nobody could pass along the road there.

Then all the town came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him they begged him to move out of their district.

No one sews a piece of undressed cloth on an old coat, for the patch breaks away from it, and the tear is made worse:

Then Jesus made a tour through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the Reign, and healing every disease and complaint.

'No,' he said, 'for you might root up the wheat when you were gathering the weeds.

Then he made the disciples embark in the boat and cross before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds;

But you say, whoever tells his father or mother, 'This money might have been at your service but it is dedicated to God,'

But as that servant went away, he met one of his fellow-servants who owed him twenty pounds, and seizing him by the throat he said, 'Pay your debt!'

There are eunuchs who have been eunuchs from their birth, there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Realm of heaven. Let anyone practice it for whom it is practicable."

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray over them. The disciples checked the people,

And those servants went out on the roads and gathered all they met, bad and good alike. Thus the marriage-banquet was supplied with guests.

Then shall the Realm of heaven be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.

But at midnight the cry arose, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'

Similarly the servant who had got the five hundred pounds made another five hundred.

Then the high priests and the elders of the people met in the palace of the high priest who was called Caiaphas

"the perfume might have been sold for a good sum, and the poor might have got that."

As they went out they met a Cyrenian called Simon, whom they forced to carry his cross.

So, too, the high priests made fun of him with the scribes and the elders of the people.

So off they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the boulder and setting the guard.

And Jesus himself met them, saying, "Hail!" So they went up to him and caught hold of his feet and worshipped him;

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the hill where Jesus had arranged to meet them.

He announced, "After me one who is mightier will come, and I am not fit to stoop and untie the string of his sandals:

and he went up to her and taking her hand made her rise; the fever left her at once and she ministered to them.

No one stitches a piece of undressed cloth on an old coat, otherwise the patch breaks away, the new from the old, and the tear is made worse:

Now it happened that he was passing through the cornfields on the sabbath, and as the disciples made their way through they began to pull the ears of corn.

And as soon as he stepped out of the boat a man from the tombs came to meet him, a man with an unclean spirit

As he was stepping into the boat the lunatic begged that he might accompany him;

So he went off and began to proclaim throughout Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; it made everyone astonished.

Now the apostles gathered to meet Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.

Then he made the disciples at once embark in the boat and cross before him towards Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd;

Now the Pharisees gathered to meet him, with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem.

He said to them, "Isaiah made a grand prophecy about you hypocrites ??as it is written, This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me:

But you say that if a man tells his father or mother, 'This money might have been at your service, but it is Korban' (that is, dedicated to God),

Jesus forbade them to tell anyone about it, but the more he forbade them the more eagerly they made it public;

Then Jesus said, "Go, your faith has made you well;" and he regained his sight at once and followed Jesus along the road.

also he taught them. "Is it not written," he asked, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations? You have made it a den of robbers."

This perfume might have been sold for over three hundred shillings, and the poor might have got that." So they upbraided her.

So he despatched two of his disciples, telling them, "Go into the city and you will meet a man carrying a water-jar; follow him,

Then he went forward a little and fell to the earth, praying that the hour might pass away from him, if possible.

They took Jesus away to the high priest, and all the high priests and scribes and elders met there with him.

"We heard him say, 'I will destroy this temple made by hands, and in three days I will build another temple not made by hands.'"

So, too, the high priests made fun of him to themselves with the scribes; "he saved others," they said, "but he cannot save himself!

Afterwards he appeared at table to the eleven themselves and reproached them for their unbelief and dulness of mind, because they had not believed those who saw him risen from the dead. [But they excused themselves, saying, "This age of lawlessness and unbelief lies under the sway of Satan, who will not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand the truth and power of God; therefore," they said to Christ, "reveal your righteousness now." Christ answered them, "The term of years for Satan's power has now expired, but other terrors are at hand. I was delivered to death on behalf of sinners, that they might return to the truth and sin no more, that they might inherit that glory of righteousness which is spiritual and imperishable in heaven."]

When he did come out he could not speak to them, so they realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary; he made signs to them and remained dumb.

Then they made signs to the father, to find out what he wanted the child to be called,

So they made haste and discovered Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the stall for cattle.

Every valley shall be filled up, every hill and mound laid low, the crooked made straight, the rough roads smooth;

John said to them all, "I baptize you with water, but after me one who is mightier will come, and I am not fit to untie the string of his sandals; he will baptize you with the holy Spirit and fire.

and the devil said to him, "I will give you all their power and grandeur, for it has been made over to me and I can give it to anyone I choose.

When day broke he went away out to a lonely spot, but the crowds made inquiries about him, came to where he was, and tried to keep him from leaving them.

Then they made signals to their mates in the other boat to come and assist them. They came and filled both the boats, till they began to sink.

When Jesus heard this he marvelled at him, and turning to the crowd that followed he said, "I tell you, I have never met faith like this anywhere even in Israel."

It was shortly afterwards that he made his way to a town called Nain, accompanied by his disciples and a large crowd.

As he stepped out on land he was met by a man from the town who had daemons in him; for a long while he had worn no clothing, and he stayed not in a house but among the tombs.

The man whom the daemons had left begged that he might accompany him. Jesus, however, sent him away, saying,

Herod said, "John I beheaded. But who is this, of whom I hear such tales?" And he made efforts to see him.

They did so, and made them all lie down.

Foolish men! did not He who made the outside make the inside of things too?

it was that the blood of all the prophets shed from the foundation of the world might be charged upon this generation,

Nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed, or concealed that shall not be made known.

but he said to him, "Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over your affairs?"

On he went, teaching from one town and village to another, as he made his way to Jerusalem.

And Jesus said to him, "Regain your sight, your faith has made you well."

However he secured the royal power and came home. Then he ordered the servants to be called who had been given the money, that he might find out what business they had done.

The first came up saying, 'Your five pounds has made other fifty, sir.'

Then the second came and said, 'Your five pounds has made twenty-five, sir.'

"It is written," he told them, "my house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers."

He said to them, "When you enter the city you will meet a man carrying a water-jar: follow him to the house he enters,

Then he went outside and made his way to the Hill of Olives, as he was accustomed. The disciples followed him,

Meantime the men who had Jesus in custody flogged him and made fun of him;

When day broke, the elders of the people all met along with the high priests and scribes, and had him brought before their Sanhedrin. They said to him,

Meanwhile the high priests and scribes stood and accused him with might and main.

Then Herod and his troops scoffed at him and made fun of him, and after arraying him in a bright robe he remitted him to Pilate.