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But this is not the case with the wicked. They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

Declare them guilty, God! Let them fall by their own schemes. Drive them away because of their many transgressions, for they have rebelled against you.

As for all my enemies, they will be put to shame; they will be greatly frightened and suddenly turn away ashamed. A Davidic psalm, which he sang to the LORD, because of the words of Cush the descendant of Benjamin.

Otherwise, they will rip me to shreds like a lion, tearing me apart with no one to rescue me.

When my enemies turn back, they will stumble and perish before you.

The nations have sunk down into the pit they made, their feet are ensnared in the trap they set.

Make them afraid, LORD, Let the nations know that they are only human. Interlude

Their ways always seem prosperous. Your judgments are on high, far away from them. They scoff at all their enemies.

They say to themselves, "We will not be moved throughout all time, and we will not experience adversity."

Their eyes secretly watch the helpless, lying in wait like a lion in his den. They lie in wait to catch the afflicted. They catch the afflicted when they pull him into their net.

Will those who do evil ever learn? They devour my people like they devour bread, and never call on the LORD.

They are imprisoned by their own prosperity, they have boasted proudly with their mouth.

Now they have encircled our paths and are determined to cast us down to the ground.

Like a lion they desire to rip us to pieces, like a young lion waiting in ambush.

from men, LORD, by your hand from men who belong to this world, whose reward is only in this life. But as for your treasured ones, may their stomachs be full, may their children have an abundance, and may they leave wealth to their offspring.

The world shook and trembled; the foundations of the mountains quaked, they shook because he was angry.

He delivered me from my strong enemies, from those who hated me because they were stronger than I.

They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the LORD was my support.

I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn around until they were utterly defeated.

I struck them down, so they are not able to rise up; they fell under my feet.

They cried out for deliverance, but there was no one to deliver; they cried out to the LORD, but he did not answer them.

When they hear of me, they will obey me; foreigners will submit to me.

Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge.

They are more desirable than gold, even much fine gold. They are sweeter than honey, even the drippings from a honeycomb.

While they bowed down and fell, we arose and stood upright.

Our ancestors trusted in you; they trusted and you delivered them.

They cried out to you and escaped; they trusted in you and were not put to shame.

Everyone who sees me mocks me; they gape at me with open mouths and shake their heads at me.

They say, "Commit yourself to the LORD; perhaps the LORD will deliver him, perhaps he will cause him to escape, since he delights in him."

For dogs have surrounded me; a gang of those who practice of evil has encircled me. They gouged my hands and my feet.

They will come and declare his righteousness to a people yet to be born; indeed, he has accomplished it! A Davidic Psalm.

Remember, LORD, your tender mercies and your gracious love; indeed, they are eternal!

Look how many enemies I have gained! They hate me with a vicious hatred.

When those who practice evil, my enemies, and my oppressors come near me to devour my flesh, they stumble and fall.

Reward them according to their deeds; according to the evil of their actions. Reward them based on what they do; give them what they deserve.

Because they do not understand the deeds of the LORD or the work of his hands, He will tear them down and never build them up.

I have heard the slander of many; it is like terror all around me, as they conspire together and plot to take my life.

Don't be like a horse or mule, without understanding. They are held in check by a bit and bridle in their mouths; otherwise they will not remain near you.

He formed the hearts of them all; he understands everything they do.

Without justification they laid a snare for me; without justification they dug a pit to trap me.

They paid me back evil for good; my soul mourns.

But when I stumbled, they rejoiced and gathered together. They gathered together against me attackers whom I did not know. They tore me apart and would not stop.

For they do not speak peace; they devise clever lies against the peaceful people of the land.

They open their mouth wide against me, claiming, "Yes! Yes! We saw him do it with our own eyes!"

They are refreshed from the abundance of your house; You cause them to drink from the river of your pleasures.

There, those who do evil have fallen; They have been thrown down, and they cannot get up. Davidic

Indeed, the wicked will perish. The LORD's enemies will be consumed like flowers in the fields. They will vanish like smoke.

Indeed, the LORD loves justice, and he will not abandon his godly ones. They are kept safe forever, but the lawless will be chased away, and the descendants of the wicked will be cut off.

The righteous will inherit the land, and they will dwell in it forever.

The LORD helps and delivers them; he will deliver them from the wicked, and he will save them because they have sought refuge in him. A Davidic Psalm: As a Reminder.

My iniquities loom over my head; like a cumbersome burden, they are too heavy for me.

For I said, "Do not let them gloat over me, as they congratulate themselves when my foot slips."

In fact, people walk around as shadows. Surely, they busy themselves for nothing, heaping up possessions but not knowing who will get them.

Innumerable evils have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me so that I cannot see. They are more in number than the hair on my head, and my courage has forsaken me.

As for my enemies, with malice they said, "When will he die and memory of his name perish?"

As for all who hate me, they whisper together against me; they desire to do me harm.

They say, "Wickedness is entrenched in him. Once he is brought low, he will not rise again."

Send forth your light and your truth so they may guide me. Let them bring me to your holy mountain and to your dwelling places.

It was not with their sword that they inherited the land, nor did their own arm deliver them. But it was by your power, your strength, and by the light of your face; because you were pleased with them.

Filled with joy and gladness, they are presented when they enter the king's palace.

Behold, when the kings assembled together, when they traveled together,

they looked and were awestruck; they became afraid and ran away.

Their inner thoughts are on their homes forever; their dwellings from generation to generation. They even name their lands after themselves.

This is the fate of those who are foolish and of those who correct their words after they speak. Interlude

Like sheep, they are destined for the realm of the dead, with death as their shepherd. The upright will have dominion over them in the morning; their strength will be consumed in the afterlife, so that they have no home.

Then you will be pleased with right sacrifices, with burnt offerings, and with whole burnt offerings. Then they will offer bulls on your altar. To the Director: A Davidic instruction about Doeg, the Edomite, when he went to Saul and told him, "David went to the house of Abimelech."

The righteous will fear when they see this, but then they will laugh at him, saying,

All of them have fallen away; together they have become corrupt; no one does what is good, not even one.

For the arrogant have arisen against me; oppressors have sought to take my life. They do not keep God in mind! Interlude

because of the voice of the enemy, and because of the oppression of the wicked. They bring down evil upon me, and in anger they hate me.

Day and night they prowl around its walls; evil and iniquity are within it.

Let death seize them! May they be plunged alive into the afterlife, for wicked things are in their homes and among them.

God, who is enthroned from long ago, will hear me and humble them. Interlude Because they do not repent, they do not fear God.

They gather together and hide in ambush. They watch my every step as they lie in wait for my life.