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And she will yet conceive and bring forth a daughter. And he will say to him, Call her name, Not being compassionated: for I will no more add to compassionate the house of Israel; for taking away, I will take them away.

And she will wean the Not being compassionated, and she will conceive and bring forth a son.

Say ye to your brethren, My people; and to your sisters, Being compassionated.

And I sowed her to me in the earth; and I compassionated her Not being compassionated; and I said to Not my people, Thou my people; and they will say, My God.

My people were cut off from not knowing: because thou didst reject knowledge and I will reject thee from being priest to me: and thou wilt forget the instructions of thy God; I will also forget thy sons, also I

And the pride of Israel was humbled in his face, and Israel and Ephraim shall be weak in their iniquity; Judah also being weak with them.

What shall I do to thee, O Ephraim? What shall I do to thee, O Judah? and your kindness as the cloud of the morning, and as the dew being early went away.

In my coming and I shall correct them, and the peoples shall be gathered together against them in their being bound to their two sins.

And Ephraim a heifer being taught, loving to tread out the grain, and I passed over upon the good of her neck: I will cause Ephraim to ride; Judah shall be silent, and Jacob shall be strong to him.

Thus did the house of God to you from the face of the evil of your evil: in the morning the king of Israel being cut off, was cut off.

According to the word Ephraim being terrified be was lifted up in Israel; and he will transgress in Baal and die.

Who being wise, and he shall understand these things? and knowing, and he shall know them? for the ways of Jehovah are straight, and the just shall go in them: and they transgressing shall be weak in them.

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