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When they caught sight of the star, they were intensely glad;

After they had gone, there appeared an angel of the Lord to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Rise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt; stay there till I tell you. For Herod is going to search for the child and destroy him."

He went and settled in a town called Nazaret, so that what had been said by the prophets might be fulfilled: 'He shall be called a Nazarene.'

But when he noticed a number of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers, who told you to flee from the coming Wrath?

John tried to prevent him; "I need to get baptized by you," he said, "and you come to me!"

said to him, "If you are God's son, throw yourself down; for it is written, He will give his angels charge of you; they will bear you on their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone."

he said, "I will give you all that if you will fall down and worship me."

and he opened his lips and began to teach them. He said:

When Jesus heard that, he marvelled; "I tell you truly," he said to his followers, "I have never met faith like this anywhere in Israel.

Then Jesus said to the captain, "Go; as you have had faith, your prayer is granted." And the servant was cured at that very hour.

When Jesus saw crowds round him he gave orders for crossing to the other side.

A scribe came up and said to him, "Teacher, I will follow you anywhere";

When he reached the opposite side, the country of the Gadarenes, he was met by two demoniacs who ran out of the tombs; they were so violent that nobody could pass along the road there.

He said to them, "Begone!" So out they came and went to the swine, and the entire drove rushed down the steep slope into the sea and perished in the water.

There a paralytic was brought to him, lying on a pallet; and when Jesus saw the faith of the bearers he said to the paralytic, "Courage, my son! your sins are forgiven."

But to let you see the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins" ??he then said to the paralytic, "Get up, lift your pallet, and go home."

So when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with taxgatherers and sinners?"

what she said to herself was this, "If I can only touch his robe, I will recover."

When he went indoors the blind men came up to him, and Jesus asked them, "Do you believe I can do this?" They said, "Yes, sir."

When the Pharisees noticed it, they said to him, "Look at your disciples, they are doing what is not allowed on the sabbath."

He said to them, "Is there a man of you with one sheep, who will not catch hold of it and lift it out of a pit on the sabbath, if it falls in?

Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and it was quite restored, as sound as the other.

charging them strictly not to make him known ??17 it was for the fulfilment of what had been said by the prophet Isaiah,

As Jesus knew what they were thinking, he said to them, "Any realm divided against itself comes to ruin, any city or house divided against itself will never stand;

Stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!

but, as great crowds gathered to him, he entered a boat and sat down, while all the crowd stood on the beach.

He put another parable before them. "The Realm of heaven," he said, "is like a man who sowed good seed in his field,

So the servants of the owner went to him and said, 'Did you not sow good seed in your field, sir? How then does it contain weeds?'

He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Then would you like us to go and gather them?'

'No,' he said, 'for you might root up the wheat when you were gathering the weeds.

Let them both grow side by side till harvest; and at harvest-time I will tell the reapers to gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles to be burnt, but to collect the wheat in my granary.'"

He put another parable before them. "The Realm of heaven," he said, "is like a grain of mustard-seed which a man takes and sows in his field.

It is less than any seed on earth, but when it grows up it is larger than any plant, it becomes a tree, so large that the wild birds come and roost in its branches."

He told them another parable. "The Realm of heaven," he said, "is like dough which a woman took and buried in three pecks of flour, till all of it was leavened."

Jesus said all this to the crowds in parables; he never spoke to them except in a parable ??35 to fulfil what had been said by the prophet, I will open my mouth in parables, I will speak out what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.

Have you understood all this?" They said to him, "Yes."

So he said to them, "Well then, every scribe who has become a disciple of the Realm of heaven is like a householder who produces what is new and what is old from his stores."

Now when Jesus had finished these parables he set out from there,

and went to his native place, where he taught the people in the synagogue till they were astounded. They said, "Where did he get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?

So they were repelled by him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet never goes without honour except in his native place and in his home."

And he said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead. That is why miraculous powers are working through him."

When evening fell, the disciples came up to him and said, "It is a desert place and the day is now gone; send off the crowds to buy food for themselves in the villages."

Jesus said to them, "They do not need to go away; give them some food yourselves."

They said, "We have only five loaves with us and two fish."

Then he made the disciples embark in the boat and cross before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds;

but when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified; "It is a ghost," they said and shrieked for fear.

He said, "Come." Then Peter got out of the boat and walked over the water on his way to Jesus;

Then the disciples came up and said to him, "Do you know that the Pharisees have taken offence at what they hear you say?"

"No, sir," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."

Then Jesus removed from that country and went along the sea of Galilee; he went up the hillside and sat there.

Then Jesus called his disciples and said, "I am sorry for the crowd; they have been three days with me now, and they have nothing to eat. I will not send them away starving, in case they faint on the road."

Jesus said to them, "How many loaves have you got?" They said, "Seven, and some little fish."

When the disciples reached the opposite side, they found they had forgotten to bring any bread.

Jesus said to them, "See and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

When Jesus noted this he said, "How little trust you have in me! Why all this talk, because you have brought no bread?