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This is he coming after me, who was before me, of whom I am not worthy that I might loose the strings of his shoes.

These things were in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was immersing.

This is he of whom I said, After me comes a man who was before me: for he was before me.

He says to them, Come and see. They came and saw where he remains, and they remained with him that day: and it was about the tenth hour.

It was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, one of the two having heard of John, and followed him.

And Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter.

And the pascha of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,

Then said the Jews, In forty-six years was this temple built, and wilt thou raise it up in three days?

When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he said this to them; and they believed the writing, and the word which Jesus spake.

And when he was in Jerusalem at the paseha, in the festival, many believed in his name, beholding his signs which he did.

For also he had no need that any should testify concerning man: for he knew what was in man.

And there was a man of the Pharisees, Nicodemus the name to him, a ruler of the Jews:

And John was also immersing in AEnon near Salim, for many waters were there: and they came near and were immersed.

And they came to John, and said to him, Rabbi, he who was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou hast testified, behold, he immerses, and all come to him.

And it was necessary for him to pass through Samaria.

Then came Jesus again to Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain royal one, whose son was sick in Capernanm.

He, having heard that Jesus was come from Judea to Galilee, went away to him, and asked him that he would go down and heal his son: for he was about to die.

Then he inquired of them the hour in which he was attended to. And they said to him, That yesterday the seventh hour the fever left him.

After these was the festival of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

For a messenger at a time went down into the pool, and troubled the water: then he having first stepped in after the troubling of the water became healthy, by whatever malady a long while since he was laid.

Jesus having seen the same lying down, and having known that it was already much time, says to him, Wilt thou be well?

He being sick answered him, Lord, I have no man, that, when the water was troubled, he might cast me into the pool: and in which I am coming, another steps down before me.

And quickly the man was well, and he took up his couch, and walked: and the sabbath was in that day.

He was a burning and manifest light: and ye wished to rejoice for a time in his light.

And the pascha was near, the festival of the Jews.

And Jesus said, Make the men recline. And there was much grass in the place. Then the men reclined, the number about five thousand.

And having entered into a ship, they came beyond the sea to Capernaum. And already was there darkness, and Jesus had not come to them.

Then they wished to take him into the ship: and the ship was quickly at land to which they retired.

The morrow, the crowd standing beyond the sea having seen that no other small vessel was there, except that one into which his disciples had entered, and that Jesus entered not with his disciples into the small vessel, but his disciples departed alone;

And he spake of Judas Iscariot, of Simon: for he was about to deliver him up, being one of the twelve.

And the festival of the Jews was near, the Pitching of tents.

And much murmuring was for him in the crowds: some truly said, That he is good: and others said, No; but he deceives the crowd.

(This spake he of the Spirit which they believing in him were about to receive: for the Holy Spirit was not yet; for Jesus was not yet honoured.)

Said not the writing, That of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the town where David was, Christ comes?

And again in the morning he was present in the temple, and all the people came to him; and having sat down, he taught them.

They say to him, Teacher, this woman was taken committing adultery, in the very act.

And they having heard, and being convicted by consciousness, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest even to the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

Then lifted up they stones that they might cast upon him: and Jesus was hid, and he went forth out of the temple, having passed through the midst of them, and so he passed by.

And said to him, Retire, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is interpreted, Sent.) He went away therefore, and washed, and came seeing.

Then the neighbors, and those seeing him before that he was blind, said, Is not this he sitting and begging?

He answered and said, A man called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said to me, Retire to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and having gone and washed, I saw again.

And it was the sabbath, when Jesus made clay, and opened his eyes.

Then the Jews believed not of him that he was blind, and saw again, until they called the parents of him having looked up.

And they asked them, saying, Is this your son, whom ye say that be was born blind how then does be now see

His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind:

Then called they the man of a second time, who was blind, and said to him, Give glory to God: we know that this man is sinful.

From forever was it not heard that any opened the eyes of him born blind.

And there was the festival of inauguration among the Jerusalemites, and it was winter..

And again he departed beyond Jordan to the place where John was first immersing; and he remained there.

And many came to him, and said, That truly John did no sign: but all which John said of him was true.

And a certain Lazarus was sick, from Bethany, of the town of Mary And Martha her sister.

(And Mary was she having anointed the Lord with perfumed oil, and wiped his feet with her hairs, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)

When therefore he heard that he is sick, then indeed he remained in the place in which he was two days.

And I rejoice for you, that ye might believe, that I was not there; but let us go to him.

And Jesus had not yet come into the town, but was in the place where Martha met him.

Then Mary, when she came where Jesus was, seeing him, fell at his feet, saying to him, Lord, if thou wert here, my brother had not died.

Then Jesus, when he saw her weeping, and the Jews weeping having come with her, was heavy in spirit, and troubled himself,

Then Jesus again being heavy in himself, comes to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone was laid upon it.

Then took they away the stone where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes above, and said, Father, I return thee thanks that thou didst hear me.

And the dead came out, bound feet and hands with bandages; and his face was bound with a napkin. Jesus says to them, Loose him, and let him retire.

And this he said not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was about to die for the nation;

And the Jews' pascha was near: and many went up to Jerusalem out of the country before the pascha, that they might purify themselves.

Then Jesus, six days before the pascha, came to Bethany, where was Lazarus the dead, whom he raised from the dead.

Then made they him a supper there, and Martha served; and Lazarus was one of them reclining at table with him.

Then Mary having taken a pound of perfumed oil of spikenard, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hairs: and the house was filled with the smell of the perfumed oil.

Wherefore was not this perfumed oil sold for three hundred drachmas, and given to the poor?

And these the disciples knew not at first: but when Jesus was honoured, then remembered they that these were written of him, and they did these things to him.

Then the crowd, having stood and heard, said it was thunder: others said, A messenger has spoken to him.

This said he, signifying what death he was about to die.