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And it fortuned that when they had passed over the time of their banqueting round about; Job sent for them, and sanctified them, and gat up early, and offered for every one a burnt offering. For Job thought thus: "Peradventure my sons have done some offense, and have been unthankful to God in their hearts." And thus did Job everyday.

Satan answered the LORD, and said, "Skin for skin? Yea, a man will give all that ever he hath, for his life.

So when they lift up their eyes afar off, they knew him not. Then they cried, and wept: then every one of them rent his clothes, and sprinkled dust upon their heads in the air.

"Consider, I pray thee: who ever perished being an innocent? Or, when were the godly destroyed?

Mine own brethren pass over by me, as the water brook that hastily runneth through the valleys.

As for the world, he giveth it over into the power of the wicked; and he shall cover the faces of the judges thereof. Is it not so? Where is he - or who is he - that can show the contrary?

Art thou the first man that ever was born? Or, wast thou made before the hills?

A fearful sound is ever in his ears, and when it is peace yet feareth he destruction.

God hath given me over to the ungodly, and delivered me into the hands of the wicked.

The righteous also will keep his way, and he that hath clean hands, will ever be stronger and stronger.

His men of war came together, which made their way over me, and besieged my dwelling round about.

Knowest thou not this, namely: that from the beginning - ever since the creation of man upon earth -

"For though the wicked have never so much to fill his belly, yet God shall send his wrath upon him, and cause his indignation to rain over him:

Shouldest thou then see no darkness? Should not the water flood run over thee?

He shall give thee a harvest, which in plenty and abundance shall exceed the dust of the earth, and the gold of Ophir like river stones.

whose men of war are innumerable, and whose light ariseth over all.

No wedges of gold of Ophir, no precious Onyx stones, no Sapphire may be compared unto her.

When my ways ran over with butter, and when the stony rocks gave me rivers of oil;

My honor increased more and more, and my bow was ever the stronger in my hand.

Did I ever think scorn to do right unto my servants and maidens, when they had any matter against me?

Did I ever lift up my hand to hurt the fatherless; yea, in the gates where I saw myself to be in authority?

For I have ever feared the vengeance and punishment of God, and knew very well that I was not able to bear his burden.

Did I ever greatly regard the rising of the sun? Or, had I the going down of the moon in great reputation?

Hath my heart meddled privily with any deceit? Or, did I ever kiss mine own hand?

Have I ever rejoiced at the hurt of mine enemy? Or was I ever glad, that any harm happened to him? Oh no.

From the wickedness and sin of the people, he maketh a hypocrite to reign over them.

yea, wonder at him, and yet they see him but afar off.

Camest thou ever into the ground of the sea: or hast thou walked in the low corners of the deep?

Wentest thou ever into the treasures of the snow? Or hast thou seen the secret places of the hail,

but as soon as he heareth the shawmes blow, 'Tush,' sayeth he; for he smelleth the battle afar off, the noise, the Captains and the shouting.

If a man will consider all high things, this same is a king over all the children of pride."

Therefore take seven oxen and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, offer up also for yourselves a burnt offering: and let my servant Job pray for you. Him will I accept, and not deal with you after your foolishness: in that ye have not spoken the thing which is right, like as my servant Job hath done."

And then came there unto him all his brethren, all his sisters, with all them that had been of his acquaintance afore, and ate bread with him in his house: wondering at him, and comforting him over all the trouble that the LORD had brought upon him. Every man gave him a sheep and a Jewel of gold.