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But, now, we have received full release from the law, by dying in that wherein we used to be held fast, so that we should be doing service - in newness of spirit and not in obsoleteness of letter.

I say then - Did they stumble in order that they might fall? Far be it! But, by their fall, salvation hath come unto the nations, to the end of provoking them to jealousy.

If, moreover, their fail, is the riches of a world, and their loss, the riches of nations, how much rather their fullness?

For I wish not, ye should be ignorant, brethren, of this sacred secret, lest within yourselves ye be presumptuous, that, a hardening in part, hath befallen Israel, until, the full measure of the nations, shall come in;

No longer, then, upon one another, let us be sitting in judgment, but, this, judge ye rather - not to be putting a cause of stumbling before your brother or an occasion to fall.

For, even the Christ, not unto himself gave pleasure, but, even as it is written - The reproaches of them that we reproaching thee, fell upon me:

Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow-captives, who, indeed, are of note among the Apostles, who also before me had come to be in Christ.

Salute Urbanus, our fellow-worker in Christ; and Stachys, my beloved.

There salute you - Timothy, my fellow-worker, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen.