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Then will I break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel."

There will I give her, her vineyards again; yea, and the valley of Achor also, to show her hope and comfort. Then shall she sing there as in the time of her youth, and like as in the day when she came out of the land of Egypt.

But the pride of Israel will be rewarded him in his face, yea both Israel and Ephraim shall fall for their wickedness, and Judah with them also.

Ephraim is oppressed, and can have no right of the law. For why? They follow the doctrines of men.

When I undertake to make Israel whole, then the ungraciousness of Ephraim and the wickedness of Samaria cometh to light: then go they about with lies. At home, they be thieves: and without they fall to robbing.

Strangers have devoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth full of gray hairs, yet will he not know it.

but he hath refused the thing that is good: therefore shall the enemy follow upon him.

Israel shall perish, the Gentiles shall entreat him as a foul vessel.

Therefore shall they no more enjoy the corn floors and winepresses, and their sweet wine shall fail them.

Be ye sure, O Israel: the time of visitation is come, the days of recompensing are at hand. As for the prophet, ye hold him for a fool; and him that is rich in the spirit, for a mad man: so great is your wickedness and malice.

It shall be brought to the Assyrians for a present unto king Jareb. Ephraim shall receive full punishment; Israel shall be confounded for his own imaginations;

The high places of Aven, where Israel do sin, shall be cast down: thistles and thorns shall grow upon their altars. Then shall they say to the mountains, "Cover us," and to the hills, "Fall upon us."

Ephraim was unto me, as a cow that is used to go to plow; therefore I loved him, and fell upon his fair neck. I drove Ephraim, Judah plowed, and Jacob played the husbandman:

The LORD roareth like a lion, that they may follow him. Yea, as a lion roareth he, that they may be afraid like the children of the sea: