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And he proclaimed--"There is coming after me one more powerful than I, and I am not fit even to stoop down and unfasten his sandals.

The man, however, went away, and began to speak about it publicly, and to spread the story so widely, that Jesus could no longer go openly into a town, but stayed outside in lonely places; and people came to him from every direction.

Being, however, unable to get him near to Jesus, owing to the crowd, they removed the roofing below which Jesus was; and, when they had made an opening, they let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.

The foul spirits, too, whenever they caught sight of him, flung themselves down before him, and screamed out: "You are the Son of God"!

Jesus gave them leave. They came out, and entered into the pigs; and the drove--about two thousand in number--rushed down the steep slope into the Sea and were drowned in the Sea.

On this the men who tended them ran away, and carried the news to the town, and to the country round; and the people went to see what had happened.

But Jesus refused. "Go back to your home, to your own people," he said, "and tell them of all that the Lord has done for you, and how he took pity on you."

So the man went, and began to proclaim in the district of the Ten Towns all that Jesus had done for him; and every one was amazed.

Then the woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and threw herself down before him, and told him the whole truth.

When the Apostles came back to Jesus, they told him all that they had done and all that they had taught.

And they sat down in groups--in hundreds, and in fifties.

In this way you nullify the words of God by your traditions, which you hand down; and you do many similar things."

On returning from the district of Tyre, Jesus went, by way of Sidon, to the Sea of Galilee, across the district of the Ten Towns.

And a profound impression was made upon the people. "He has done everything well!" they exclaimed. "He makes even the deaf hear and the dumb speak!"

And if I send them away to their homes hungry, they will break down on the way; and some of them have come a long distance."

Jesus told the crowd to sit down upon the ground. Then he took the seven loaves, and, after saying the thanksgiving, broke them, and gave them to his disciples to serve out; and they served them out to the crowd.

As they were going down the mountain-side, Jesus cautioned them not to relate what they had seen to any one, till after the Son of Man should have risen again from the dead.

And, wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth, and he is pining away. I asked your disciples to drive the spirit out, but they failed."

On hearing of this, the ten others were at first very indignant about James and John.

But Jesus called the ten to him, and said: "Those who are regarded as ruling among the Gentiles lord it over them, as you know, and their great men oppress them.

They came to Jericho. When Jesus was going out of the town with his disciples and a large crowd, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting by the road-side.

Then he began to teach. "Does not Scripture say," he asked, "'My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all the nations'? But you have made it a den of robbers.'"

"I tell you that if any one should say to this hill 'Be lifted up and hurled into the sea!', without ever a doubt in his mind, but in the faith that what he says will be done, he would find that it would be.

Then Jesus sat down opposite the chests for the Temple offerings, and watched how the people put money into them. Many rich people were putting in large sums;

"Do you see these great buildings?" asked Jesus. "Not a single stone will be left here upon another, which shall not be thrown down."

When Jesus had sat down on the Mount of Olives, facing the Temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew questioned him privately:

And a man on the house-top must not go down, or go in to get anything out of his house:

"Let her alone," said Jesus, as they began to find fault with her, "why are you troubling her? This is a beautiful deed that she has done for me.

And I tell you, wherever, in the whole world, the Good News is proclaimed, what this woman has done will be told in memory of her."

Presently Jesus said to them: "All of you will fall away; for Scripture says--'I will strike down the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.'

Presently they came to a garden known as Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples "Sit down here while I pray."

While Peter was in the court-yard down below, one of the High Priest's maidservants came up;

"Why, what harm has he done?" Pilate kept saying to them. But they shouted furiously: "Crucify him!"

And they kept striking him on the head with a rod, spitting at him, and bowing to the ground before him--going down on their knees;

"He saved others, but he cannot save himself! Let the Christ, the 'King of Israel,' come down from the cross now, that we may see it and believe." Even the men who had been crucified with Jesus reviled him.

And a man ran, and, soaking a sponge in common wine, put it on the end of a rod, and offered it to him to drink, saying as he did so: "Wait and let us see if Elijah is coming to take him down."

Joseph, having bought a linen sheet, took Jesus down, and wound the sheet round him, and laid him in a tomb which had been cut out of the rock; and then rolled a stone up against the entrance of the tomb.