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Let the stars of its dawn be dark; let it hope for light but there be none, and let it not see [the] eyelids of dawn

For now I would lie down, and I would be at peace; I would be asleep; then {I would be at rest}

When I lie down, I say, 'When shall I rise?' But [the] night is long, and I have my fill of tossing until dawn.

[If] I have sinned, what have I done to you, watcher of humanity? Why have you made me as a target for yourself, so that I have become a burden to myself?

His roots twine over a stone heap; he sees a house of stone.

They go by like papyrus skiffs, like an eagle swoops down on [its] prey.

And you will lie down, and {no one will make you afraid}; {and many will entreat your favor}.

Who among all of these does not know that Yahweh's hand has done this?

If he tears down, then it will not be rebuilt; if he shuts a man in, then he cannot be freed.

"Indeed, there is hope for a tree: if it is cut down, then it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not cease;

{so} a man lies down, and he does not arise. {Until the heavens are no more}, they will not awaken, and they will not be roused out of their sleep.

Please lay down a pledge for me with yourself; who [is] he [who] will give security for my hand?

Will they go down [to] the bars of Sheol? Or shall we descend together into the dust?"

"{His strong steps} are shortened, and his [own] schemes throw him down,

These ten times you have disgraced me; you are not ashamed [that] you have attacked me.

He has broken me down all around, and I am gone. And he has uprooted my hope like a tree,

"{O that} my words could be written down! {O that they could be inscribed in a scroll}!

His bones were full of his vigor, but it will lie down with him on [the] dust.

{When his stomach fills up}, [God] will send {his burning anger} upon him, and he will let [it] rain down upon him as his food.

They spend their days in prosperity, and in peace they go down to Sheol.

They lie down together in [the] dust, and maggots cover them.

Who denounces his way to his face? And who repays him [for what] he has done?

By his power he stilled the sea, and by his understanding he struck down Rahab.

After my word, they did not speak again, and my word dropped down [like dew] upon them.

He redeemed my life from going down into the pit, so {I will enjoy the light}.'

teach me yourself {what I cannot see}; if I have done wrong, I will not repeat [it]'?

Who has prescribed his way for him? Or who says, 'You have done wrong'?

which [the] clouds pour down; they shower abundantly on human beings.

Also, he loads down thick clouds with moisture; his lightning scatters [the] clouds.

"Have you {ever in your life} commanded [the] morning? Have you made the dawn know its place,

Look at all [the] proud, humble them, and tread down [the] wicked {where they stand}.

"Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? Or {can you tie down its mouth with a cord}?

"Look, {the hope of capturing it} is false. Will one be hurled down even at its sight?

"Its snorting flashes forth light, and its eyes [are] {red like dawn}.

{So then}, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. And my servant Job will pray for you, for {I will certainly accept his prayer}, so that it will not be done with you [according to your] folly, for you have not spoken to me what is right as my servant Job [has]."