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On the morrow he wanted to go forth into Galilee, and he finds Philip. And Jesus says to him, Follow me.

Jesus says to them, Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them until over.

And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes before them. And the sheep follow him because they know his voice.

And they will, no, not follow a stranger, but will flee from him, because they do not recognize the voice of strangers.

Therefore Thomas, called Didymus, said to his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.

Therefore when Mary came where Jesus was, after seeing him, she fell down at his feet, saying to him, Lord, if thou were here, my brother would not have died.

Simon Peter says to him, Lord, where do thou go? Jesus answered him, Where I go, thou cannot follow me now, but thou will follow me afterwards.

Therefore a vessel full of vinegar was set there. And having filled a sponge with the vinegar, and having put it around a hyssop, they brought it to his mouth.

Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land, full of great fishes, a hundred and fifty-three. And being so many, the net was not broken.