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For [even] if there were things called "gods," whether in heaven or on earth; [and even if] there were many "gods" and many "lords,"

Verse ConceptsPolytheism

[Note: The following traits should be understood in the context of love for people]. Love is patient [with people], and is kind [to them]; love does not envy [what people are or have]; love does not boast [of being superior to others], it is not arrogant [in dealing with people].

Verse ConceptsLoveEnvyAttitudes, to other peopleKindnessLove, Abuse OfPride, Evil OfArrogance, Rejection OfAvoiding JealousyThe Need For MercyReasons To Wait For MarriageSelf CenterednessPrideSelf LoveForgiving Others Who Hurt YouTrue LoveBeing PatientBoastingAttitudes Of LoveWaiting Till Marriagearrogancepatientlovingassertiveness