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What was, that shall be; and what was done, that shall be done: and not anything new under the sun.

Is there a word will be said, See, this is new? This was already to a long time which was before us.

I the preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

And I gave my heart to seek and to search out in wisdom concerning all which was done under the heavens: this evil business God gave to the sons of man to be occupied in it

It spake with my heart, saying, Behold, I was magnified, and added wisdom over all that were before me at Jerusalem: and my heart saw much of wisdom and knowledge.

And I was magnified and increased more than all being before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom stood to me.

And all that mine eyes asked I kept not back from them, and I withheld not my heart from all gladness; for my heart rejoiced from all my labor: and this was my portion from all my labor.

And I said in my heart, As the event of the foolish one, also I, it will meet me; and wherefore then was I more wise? And I spake in my heart, This is also vanity.

And who shall know whether he shall be wise or foolish? And he shall have dominion over all my labor which I labored, and was wise under the sun. Also this is vanity.

For what was to man in all his labor, and in the striving of his heart, he labored under the sun?

What was, it is already; and what to be, was already; and God will seek him being driven away.

And I turned back, and I shall see all the oppressions which are doing under the sun: and behold, the tears of the oppressed, and none comforting to them; and from the hand of those oppressing them was power, and none comforting to them.

And good above them two which were not yet, which saw not the evil work which was done under the sun.

What was, its name was called already, and it was known that it is man: and he shall not be able to contend with the powerful above him.

Thou shalt not say, Why was it the former days were good above these? for thou didst not ask from wisdom concerning this

All this I proved by wisdom: I said I will be wise, and it was removed far off from me.

All this I saw, and giving my heart to every work which was done under the sun: a time which man had power overman for evil to him.

Because a decree was not done quickly upon an evil work, for this the heart of the sons of man was filled in them to do evil.

There is vanity which was done upon the earth; that there is the just which it comes upon them according to the work of the unjust: and there is the unjust, it comes upon them according to the work of the just. I said, Also this is vanity.

According as I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to see the labor that was done upon the earth: for also in the day and in the night he saw not sleep with his eyes.

And I saw all the work of God, that no man shall be able to find out the work that was done under the sun in whatsoever a man shall labor to seek out, and he shall not find: and also if the wise one shall say to know, he shall not be able to find.

For the living know they shall die: and the dead know not any thing, and no more to them a reward; for their remembrance was forgotten.

Also their love, also their hatred, also their envy perished already; and no more portion to them forever in all which was done under the sun.

Also this I saw, the wisdom under the sun, and it was great to me:

And a poor wise man was found in it, and he delivered the city by his wisdom; and not a man remembered that poor man.

And I said, Wisdom is good above strength: and the wisdom of the poor one was despised, and his words not heard.

And also as the foolish one went in the way, his heart was wanting, and he said to all, It is folly.

And besides, the preacher was wise; he yet taught the people knowledge; and he gave ear, and sought out, setting in order many parables.

The preacher sought to find words: of delight: and that written was straight, words of truth.