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And Aaron will lift up his hand to the people, and bless them; and come down from the doing the sin, and the burnt-offering, and the peace.

And Moses will go in, and Aaron, to the tent of appointment, and they will come forth and they will bless the people: and the glory of Jehovah will be seen to all the people.

And fire will come forth from before Jehovah, and will consume upon the altar the burnt-offering, and the fat: and they will shout and fall upon their faces.

And fire will come forth from before Jehovah, and will consume them, and they will die before Jehovah.

From all food which shall be eaten which water shall come upon it, shall be unclean: and all drink which shall be drank from every vessel shall be unclean.

And thirty days and three days, she shall sit down in the blood of purification: she shall not touch upon any holy thing, and into the holy place she shall not come till the completing of the days of her purification.

And he being cleansed, washed his garments and shaved all his hair, and washed in water and was clean: and afterwards he shall come into the camp and dwelt without his tent seven days.

When ye shall come into the land of Canaan which I give to you for a possession, and I gave the stroke of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession;

And he to whom is the house, came and announced to the priest, saying, It was seen to me as a stroke in the house.

And the priest came and saw, and behold, the stroke spread in the house; it a painful leprosy in the house: it is unclean.

And if the priest coming in, shall come in and see, and behold, the stroke spread not in the house after spreading over the house: and the priest cleansed the house, for the stroke was healed.

And in the eighth day he shall take to him two turtle-doves, or two sons of the dove, and he came before Jehovah at the door of the tent of appointment, and he gave them to the priest.

In this shall Aaron come in to the holyplace, with a bullock, the son of a cow, for sin, and a ram for a burnt-offering.

And Aaron brought the he goat which upon it came up the lot for Jehovah, and he did it for the sin.

And the he goat which upon it came up the lot for the goat set apart, shall stand living before Jehovah, to expiate upon him, to send him for a goat set apart to the desert

And Aaron shall come to the tent of appointment, and he put off the garments of linen which he put on in his going in to the holy place, and he left them there.

And he washed his flesh in water in the holy place, and he put on his garments and came forth, and did his burnt-offering, and the burnt-offering of the people, and expiated for himself, and for the people.

And he burning them shall wash his clothes and wash his flesh in water, and after this he shall come in to the camp.

My laws shall ye watch: thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with two diverse kinds: thy field thou shalt not sow with two diverse kinds; and a garment of two diverse kinds (of linen and woolen) shall not come upon thee.

And when ye shall come into the land, and ye planted every tree of food, and ye made uncircumcised in its uncircumcision its fruits: three years it shall be to you uncircumcised: it shall not be eaten.

And a woman who shall come near to any quadruped to lie down with it, and didst thou kill the woman and the quadruped; dying, they shall die; their blood is upon them.

Speak to Aaron saying, A man from thy seed according to their generations, to whom shall be in him a blemish, shall not come near to bring the bread of his God.

For every man to whom in him a blemish shall not come near: a man blind, or lame, or flat-nosed, or stretched out,

Any man to whom in him a blemish from the seed of Aaron the priest, shall not come near to bring the sacrifices of Jehovah: a blemish is in him, the bread of his God he shall not come near to bring.

But he shall not come in to the vail, and to the altar he shall not come near, for a blemish is in him; and he shall not profane my holy place: for I Jehovah consecrating them.

Say to them, For your generations every man who shall come near from all your seed to the holies which the sons of Israel: shall consecrate to Jehovah, and his uncleanness upon him, and that soul was cut off from before me: I Jehovah.

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, When ye shall come into the land which I give to you, and ye reaped its harvest, and brought a handful of the first-fruits of your harvest to the priest:

Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When ye shall come into the land which I gave to you, the land shall rest a Sabbath to Jehovah.

And ye sowed the eighth year, and ate from the old produce till the ninth year; till its produce came in ye shall eat the old.

When thy brother shall be poor, and he sold his possession, and he being near to him came to redeem it, and he redeemed the selling of his brother.