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For it has been plainly told me concerning you, my brothers, by Chloe's people, that there are dissensions among you.

Has Christ been divided? Paul, was he crucified for you? or was it into the name of Paul that you were baptized?

Sage, rabbi, skeptic of this present age??here are they all? Has not God made foolish the philosophy of the world?

If any man's work??he building he has made??tands the test, he will be rewarded.

But it seems to me that God has exhibited us apostles, last of all, like men doomed to death; for we are made a spectacle to the whole world, both to men and to angels.

Yet you are puffed up instead of mourning and removing from among you the man who has done this thing.

For I, although absent in body, yet present in spirit, have already passed sentence, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, on him who has done this thing.

To the rest it is I who am speaking, not the Lord. If any brother has a wife who is not a believer, if he is willing to live with her, let him not send her away.

Only whatever be the lot in life to which God has assigned each one??nd whatever the condition in which he was living when God called him??n that let him continue. Such is the rule I give in all the churches.

On the other hand, he who is firm in his purpose and is under no compulsion, but is free to carry out his own wishes, and who has determined to keep his daughter unmarried, does well.

Now in regard to food which has been offered to idols, we are sure of course that "we all have knowledge." But knowledge puffs up, while love builds up.

If a man thinks that he already has knowledge, he does not yet truly know as he ought to know;

Now as to eating food that has been offered to idols, we know well that an idol has no real existence in the universe, and that there is no God but One.

But that "knowledge" is not possessed by all; but some, accustomed until now to the idol, eat food as that which has actually been offered to an idol, and so their conscience, being still weak, is defiled.

But if any one tells you, "This food has been offered in sacrifice," do not eat it, for the sake of him who told you,

For whereas our comely parts have no need, God has tempered the body together, giving more abundant honor to that member in which lacked;

But if there is no resurrection from the dead, then not even Christ has been raised;

For He hast put all things under his feet, but in that quotation All things are put under him, it is evident that God is excepted, who put all things under Him.

And when this mortal has been clothed with immortality, then will the words of Scripture come to pass, Death has been swallowed up in victory.

As for our Apollos, I have many times urged him to go to you with the others, but he was always unwilling to go to you at this time. He will come, however, whenever he has a good opportunity.