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Come, we must deal shrewdly with them, lest they become many, and when war happens, they also will join our enemies and will fight against us and go up from the land."

And now, look, the cry of distress of the {Israelites} has come to me, and also I see the oppression [with] which [the] Egyptians [are] oppressing them.

{And} if they also do not believe the second of these signs and they will not listen to your voice, [then] you must take water from the Nile and pour [it] onto the dry ground, and the water that you take from the Nile will become blood on the dry ground."

{And Yahweh was angry with} Moses and said, "[Is there] not Aaron your brother the Levite? I know that he certainly can speak, and also there he is coming out to meet you, and when he sees you, he will rejoice in his heart.

but also I myself heard the groaning of the {Israelites}, whom [the] Egyptians [are] making to work, and I remembered my covenant.

And Pharaoh turned and went to his house, and {he did not take also this to heart}.

But if you are not [about to] release my people, look, I [am about] to send out flies among you and among your servants and among your people and in your houses; and the houses of Egypt will fill up with the flies and also the ground that they are on.

And Pharaoh made his heart {insensitive} also this time, and he did not release the people.

And Pharaoh called Moses and said, "Go, serve Yahweh. Only your sheep and goats and your cattle must be left behind. Your dependents may also go with you."

our livestock must also go with us. Not a hoof can be left because we must take from them to serve Yahweh our God. And we will not know [with] what we are to serve Yahweh until we come there."

And Yahweh gave the people favor in the eyes of Egypt. Also the man Moses [was] very great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of the servants of Pharaoh and in the eyes of the people.

Take both your sheep and goats as well as your cattle, and go, and bless also me."

And also a {mixed multitude} went up with them and sheep and goats and cattle, very numerous livestock.

And they baked the dough that they had brought out from Egypt [as] cakes, unleavened bread, because it had no yeast when they were driven out from Egypt, and they were not able to delay, and also they had not made provisions for themselves.

If you will do this thing and God will command you, [then] you will be able to endure, and also each of the people will go to his home in peace."

And Yahweh said to Moses, "Look, I [am going to] come to you in {a thick cloud} in order that the people will hear when I speak with you and will also trust in you forever." And Moses told the words of the people to Yahweh.

But if it was a goring ox {before} and its owner was warned and did not restrain it and it kills a man or a woman, the ox will be stoned, and the owner also will be put to death.

And if a man's ox injures the ox of his neighbor and it dies, they will sell the living ox and divide the {money}, and they will also divide the dead [one].

And Moses said to Yahweh, "See, you [are] saying to me, 'Take this people up.' But you have not let me know whom you will send with me, and you yourself have said, 'I know you by name, and you also have found favor in my eyes.'

And Yahweh said to Moses, "Also I will do this thing that you have spoken, because you have found favor in my eyes and I have known you by name."