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And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (which came forth from them the Philisteim) and Caphtorim.

And afterward Hezron came in to the daughter of Machir father of Gilead; and he took her, and he the son of sixty years; and she will bear to him Segub.

And the families of the city of forests; the Ithrites, and the Puhites, and the Shumathites, and the Mishraites: from these came the Zareathites and the Eshtaulites.

And they will come to the entrance of Gedor, even to the sunrising of the valley to seek pasture for their sheep.

And these being written by names, will come in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and they will strike their tents and their dwellings those being found there, and they will exterminate them even to this day, and they will dwell instead of them, for pasture there for their sheep.

And Zabad his son, and Shuthelah his son, and Ezer, and Elead; and the men of Gad killed them being born in the land, for they came down to take their cattle.

And their father Ephraim will mourn many days, and his brethren will come to comfort him.

And their brethren in their enclosures to come for seven days from time to time with these.

And Saul will say to him lifting up his utensils, Draw thy sword and thrust me through with it lest these uncircumcised shall come and shall mock against me. And he lifting up his utensils would not, for he feared greatly. And Saul will take the sword and fall upon it.

And all the men of Israel which are in the valley will see that they fled, and that Saul and his sons died, and they will forsake their cities and will flee: and the rovers will come and dwell in them.

And it will be from the morrow, and the rovers will come to strip the wounded, and they will find Saul and his sons fallen in mount Gilboa.

And all the old men of Israel will come to the king to Hebron; and David will cut out to them a covenant in Hebron before Jehovah; and they will anoint David for king over Israel according to the word of Jehovah by the hand of Samuel.

And they dwelling in Jebus will say to David, Thou shalt not come in hither. And David will take the castle of Zion, this the city of David.

Of the three, above the two he was honored; and will be to them for chief: and even to the three he came not

From the thirty, behold, he was honored, and to three he came not: and David will set him over his audience.

And there will come from the sons of Benjamin and Judah even to the fortress to David:

And David will go forth before them, and he will answer and say to them, If for peace ye came to me to help me, the heart will be together with you: and if to deceive me to mine enemy, in not being violence in my hand, the God of our fathers will see and decide

For at the time day by day they will come to David to he him, even a great camp as the camp of God.

And these the numbers of heads drawn out for the army, they came to David to Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul to him according to the mouth of Jehovah.

And from half the tribe of Manasseh eighteen thousand who were distinguished by names, to come to make David king.

All these men of war setting in order the arrangement with the whole heart, came to Hebron to make David king over all Israel: and also all the rest of Israel of one heart to make David king.

And they will come to the threshing-floor of Chidon, and Uzza will stretch forth his hand to hold firm the ark; for the oxen thrust it

And the rovers will hear that David was anointed for king over all Israel, and all the rovers will come up to seek David. And David will hear and he will go forth before them.

And the rovers came and they will spread out in the valley of the shades.

Then shall the trees of the forest shout from the face of Jehovah, for he came to judge the earth.

And king David will come and sit before Jehovah, and he will say, Who am I, O Jehovah God, and what my house, that thou broughtest me even to hither?

And Aram of Darmesek will come to help Hadarezer king of Zobah, and David will strike in Aram twenty and two thousand men.

And David will say, I will do mercy with Hanun son of Nahash, for his father did mercy with me. And David will send messengers to comfort him concerning his father. And David's servants will come to the land of the sons of Ammon to Hanun, to comfort him.

And the chiefs of the sons of Ammon will say to Hanun, Is David honoring thy father in thine eyes, that he sent comforters to thee? is it not in order to search out, and to overthrow, and to spy out the land, came his servants to thee?

And they will hire to them two and thirty thousand chariots, and the king of Maachah and his people, and they will come and encamp before Medeba. And the sons of Ammon were gathered together from their cities, and they will come to the battle.

And the sons of Ammon will go forth and set the battle in array at the entrance of the city: and the kings that came by themselves into the field.

And the sons of Ammon saw that Aram fled, and they will flee also themselves from the face of Abishai his brother, and they will come into the city. And Joab will come to Jerusalem.

And it will be announced to David; and he will gather together all Israel, and he will pass over Jordan and come against them, and he will set in array against them. And David will set the battle in array to meet Aram, and they will wage war with him.

And it will be at the time of the return of the year, at the time of the going forth of kings, and Joab will lead the power of the army, and he will destroy the land of the sons of Ammon, and he will come and press upon Rabbah: and David dwelt in Jerusalem. And Joab will strike Rabbah and destroy it

And the word of the king was strong upon Joab. And Joab will go forth, and he will go about in all Israel, and he will come to Jerusalem.

And Gad will come to David and say to him, Thus said Jehovah, Take to thee,

These their reviewing for their service to come into the house of Jehovah according to their judgment, by the hand of Aaron their father, as Jehovah God of Israel commanded him.

And the first lot will come forth to Asaph to Joseph: Gedeliah the second, he and his brethren and his sons, twelve: