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When ye appear before me, who requireth this of you to tread within my porches?

Wherefore the LORD said, "Hearken, ye of the house of David: Is it so small a thing for you, to be grievous to men, but that ye should also be painful unto God?

Go together ye people, and gather you, hearken to all ye of far countries. Muster you, and you shall be broken down: prepare you to battle and you shall be torn in pieces.

While they garnished the table, the watchman looked: and while he was eating and drinking it was said, "Up, ye Captains, take you to your shield."

Get you to Tarshish; mourn ye that dwell in the Isles.

Yet standeth the LORD waiting, that he may have mercy upon you, and lifteth himself up, that he may receive you to grace. For the LORD God is righteous. Happy are all they that wait for him.