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You may be certain, my brothers, that it has frequently been in my mind to come to you (but till now I was kept from it), so that I might have some fruit from you in the same way as I have had it from the other nations.

You say that a person should not commit adultery [i.e., sexual unfaithfulness to their mate], [but] do you commit adultery? You [claim to] hate idols, [but] do you rob [their] temples? [Note: It is difficult to determine how the Jews were doing this. Perhaps they were guilty of the "spirit" of idolatry by devoting their efforts and affections to material things instead of to God].

It is true that circumcision is of use if you keep the law, but if you go against the law it is as if you had it not.

But he is a Jew which is hid within, and the circumcision of the heart is the true circumcision, which is in the spirit, and not in the letter: whose praise is not of men but of God.

What advantage then shall we say that Abraham our father had as to the flesh?

But what does it say in the holy Writings? And Abraham had faith in God, and it was put to his account as righteousness.

How then was it credited [to him]? Was it after he had been circumcised, or before? Not after, but while [he was] uncircumcised.

And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:

And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised.

For the promise made to Abraham and his descendants, that he should own the world, was not conditioned on the law, but on the right standing he had with God through faith.

because the effect of the law is punishment: for if there had been no law, there could have been no transgression.

(As it is said in the holy Writings, I have made you a father of a number of nations) before him in whom he had faith, that is, God, who gives life to the dead, and to whom the things which are not are as if they were.

And, without growing weak in faith, he could contemplate his own vital powers which had now decayed--for he was nearly 100 years old--and Sarah's barrenness.

And the free giving has not the same effect as the sin of one: for the effect of one man's sin was punishment by the decision of God, but the free giving had power to give righteousness to wrongdoers in great number.

That, as sin had power in death, so grace might have power through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Or are you without the knowledge that all we who had baptism into Christ Jesus, had baptism into his death?

Do you not know, brothers??or I am speaking to men who know what law is??hat law governs a man only as long as he lives?

But now we are free from the law, having been made dead to that which had power over us; so that we are servants in the new way of the spirit, not in the old way of the letter.

But when sin had gained a vantage-ground, by means of the commandment, it stirred up within me all manner of lust; for where there is no law, sin is dead.

And I made the discovery that the law whose purpose was to give life had become a cause of death:

For sin, when it had gained a vantage-ground through the commandment, beguiled me, and through it slew me.

Was that, then, which is good made death unto me? God forbid. Nay, sin was death unto me, that it might appear: how that sin by the means of that which is good, had wrought death in me: that sin which is under the commandment, might be out of measure sinful.

Not however as though the word of God had failed; for not all are Israel which are of Israel;

and they are not all the children of Abraham because they are his descendants [by blood], but [the promise was]: “Your descendants will be named through Isaac” [though Abraham had other sons].

And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;

and though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything either good or bad, so that God’s purpose [His choice, His election] would stand, not because of works [done by either child], but because of [the plan of] Him who calls them,

For even before the twins were born, and therefore had not done anything good or bad, Rebecca was told [Gen. 25:23], "The older one [i.e., Esau] will serve the younger one [i.e., Jacob]." This was so that God's purpose of choosing and calling [whomever He wanted to] might prevail, instead of [it depending on] what a person did.

And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

For Moses describes the justice that was to be had by the law, thus : "the man who performeth the things here required, shall have life thereby."

But the righteousness by faith speaks thus; Say not in your mind, who shall ascend into heaven???hat is, to bring Christ down,??7 or who shall descend into the abyss???hat is, to bring Christ up from the dead.

"And [do not ask yourself], 'Who will go down into the deep hole?'" (in order to bring Christ up from the dead). [Note: This "deep hole" probably refers to the unseen place of departed spirits, or possibly the grave. Being made right with God does not require something as difficult as bringing Christ down from heaven or up from the dead (which God had already done), but is within easy reach of everyone].

No! This is what it says: "God's message is close to you, on your lips and in your mind"??hat is, the message about faith that we preach.

But how will they give worship to him in whom they have no faith? and how will they have faith in him of whom they have not had news? and how will they have news without a preacher?

But they did not all pay attention to the good news [of salvation]; for Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?”

But I ask, had they no opportunity to hear it? On the contrary, "Their voices have gone all over the earth, And their words to the ends of the world."

But I say, Had Israel no knowledge? First Moses says, You will be moved to envy by that which is not a nation, and by a foolish people I will make you angry.

God has not rejected His [chosen] people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel?

I say then, did the Jews trip [over Jesus] just so they could fall [away from God]? Certainly not! [There was another reason]: Instead, it was by means of their sin that salvation was made available to the Gentiles, so that the Jews might become jealous of them [i.e., causing them to want what the Gentiles now had].

Truly, because they had no faith they were broken off, and you have your place by reason of your faith. Do not be lifted up in pride, but have fear;

For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

I would not that this secret should be hid from you my brethren, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits: that partly blindness is happened in Israel, until the fullness of the gentiles be come in.

For, just as, ye, at one time had not yielded unto God, and yet now have received mercy by their refusal to yield,

loves others hath fulfilled the law. for this, "thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet;" and whatever social precept there be, it is reduced to this single head,

For I will not be bold to say anything hut of what Christ hath actually wrought by me to bring the gentiles to obedience by word and deed,

by the force of miracles and marvels, by the power of the Spirit of God. Thus from Jerusalem right round to Illyricum, I have been able to complete the preaching of the gospel of Christ ??20 my ambition always being to preach it only in places where there had been no mention of Christ's name, that I might not build on foundations laid by others,

but, as it is written:

Those who were not told about Him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand.

But now, having no longer any place in these parts and having had for a number of years a great desire to come to you,

for I hope to see you as I pass by, and to be brought forward by you on my way thither, after I have first had some enjoyment of you.

Yes, it has been their good pleasure; and they are in their debt. For if the Gentiles have had a part in the things of the Spirit which were theirs, it is right for them, in the same way, to give them help in the things of the flesh.

Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow-captives, who, indeed, are of note among the Apostles, who also before me had come to be in Christ.

Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that had been kept secret for long ages,