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Then LORD said to me, Thou have well seen. For I watch over my word to perform it.

Then LORD said to me, Out of the north evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land.

Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus says LORD, I remember for thee the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, how thou went after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.

Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee. Know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and a bitter, that thou have forsaken LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, says the Lord, L

Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed. How then have thou turned into the degenerate branches of a foreign vine to me?

O LORD, do not thine eyes look upon truth? Thou have stricken them, but they were not grieved. Thou have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than a rock. They have refused t

Then I said, Surely these are poor, they are foolish, for they know not the way of LORD, nor the law of their God.

And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Why has LORD our God done all these things to us? Then thou shall say to them, Just as ye have forsaken me, and served foreign gods in your land, so ye shall serve strangers in a land t

then I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers from of old even for evermore.

and [then] come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered, that ye may do all these abominations?

Yet they hearkened not to me, nor inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff. They did worse than their fathers.

Then I will cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, for the land shall become a waste.

And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue that remain of this evil family, that remain in all the places where I have driven them, says LORD of hosts.

Why then has this people of Jerusalem slid back by a perpetual backsliding? They hold firm deceit. They refuse to return.

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

O LORD, correct me, but in measure, not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.

that I may establish the oath which I swore to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as at this day. Then I answered, and said, Amen, O LORD.

Then the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall go and cry to the gods to which they offer incense, but they will not save them at all in the time of their trouble.

What has my beloved to do in my house, seeing she has wrought lewdness [with] many, and the holy flesh has passed from thee? When thou do evil, then thou rejoice.

If thou have run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how can thou contend with horses? And though in a land of peace thou are secure, yet how will thou do in the pride of the Jordan?

And it shall come to pass, if they will diligently learn the ways of my people, to swear by my name, As LORD lives, even as they taught my people to swear by Baal, then they shall be built up in the midst of my people.

But if they will not hear, then I will pluck up that nation, plucking up and destroying it, says LORD.

Then I went to the Euphrates, and dug, and took the sash from the place where I had hid it. And, behold, the sash was rotten. It was good for nothing.

Then the word of LORD came to me, saying,

Then thou shall say to them, Thus says LORD: Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land, even the kings who sit upon David's throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with drunkennes

And if thou say in thy heart, Why have these things come upon me? For the greatness of thine iniquity thy skirts are uncovered, and thy heels suffer violence.

I have seen thine abominations, even thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, on the hills, in the field. Woe to thee, O Jerusalem! Thou will not be made clean. How long shall it yet be?

Then I said, Ah, lord LORD! Behold, the prophets say to them, Ye shall not see the sword, nor shall ye have famine, but I will give you assured peace in this place.

Then LORD said to me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name. I did not send them, nor have I commanded them, nor did I speak to them. They prophesy to you a lying vision, and divination, and a thing of naught, and the deceit of the

If I go forth into the field, then, behold, the slain with the sword! And if I enter into the city, then, behold, those who are sick with famine! For both the prophet and the priest go about in the land, and have no knowledge.

Then LORD said to me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind would not be toward this people. Cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth.

And it shall come to pass, when they say to thee, Where shall we go forth? Then thou shall tell them, Thus says LORD: Such as are for death, to death, and such as are for the sword, to the sword, and such as are for the famine, to

And I will make [them] to pass with thine enemies into a land which thou know not. For a fire is kindled in my anger, which shall burn upon you.

Therefore thus says LORD: If thou return, then I will bring thee again that thou may stand before me. And if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shall be as my mouth. They shall return to thee, but thou shall not retur

Then thou shall say to them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, says LORD, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law.

And ye have done evil more than your fathers, for, behold, ye walk each one after the stubbornness of his evil heart, so that ye hearken not to me.

And thou, even of thyself, shall discontinue from thy heritage that I gave thee, and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou know not. For ye have kindled a fire in my anger which shall burn forever.

then there shall enter in by the gates of this city kings and rulers sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, they, and their rulers, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And this city shal

But if ye will not hearken to me to hallow the Sabbath day, and not to bear a burden and enter in at the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, then I will kindle a fire in the gates of it, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusa

Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he was making a work on the wheels.

Then the word of LORD came to me, saying,

if they do that which is evil in my sight, that they obey not my voice, then I will relent of the good with which I said I would benefit them.

Then they said, Come, and let us devise devices against Jeremiah. For the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not gi

Yet, LORD, thou know all their counsel against me to kill me. Do not forgive their iniquity, nor blot out their sin from thy sight, but let them be overthrown before thee. Deal thou with them in the time of thine anger.

Then thou shall break the bottle in the sight of the men who go with thee,

Then Jeremiah came from Topheth, where LORD had sent him to prophesy, and he stood in the court of LORD's house, and said to all the people,

Then Pashhur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that were in the upper gate of Benjamin, which was in the house of LORD.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashhur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then Jeremiah said to him, LORD has not called thy name Pashhur, but Magor-missabib.

For thus says LORD, Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends. And they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it. And I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Bab

O LORD, thou have persuaded me, and I was persuaded. Thou are stronger than I, and have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all the day; everyone mocks me.

And if I say, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with forbearing, and I cannot.

Then Jeremiah said to them, Thus ye shall say to Zedekiah:

For if ye do this thing indeed, then there shall enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people.

Then they shall answer, Because they forsook the covenant of LORD their God, and worshipped other gods, and served them.

Shall thou reign, because thou strive to excel in cedar? Did not thy father eat and drink, and do justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him.

The wind shall feed all thy shepherds, and thy loved ones shall go into captivity. Surely then thou shall be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness.

But if they had stood in my council, then they would have caused my people to hear my words, and would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask thee, saying, What is the burden of LORD? Then thou shall say to them, What burden! I will cast you off, says LORD.

Then LORD said to me, What do thou see, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs. The good figs, very good, and the bad, very bad, that cannot be eaten they are so bad.

Then I took the cup at LORD's hand, and made all the nations to drink, to whom LORD had sent me:

And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thy hand to drink, then thou shall say to them, Thus says LORD of hosts: Ye shall surely drink.

then I will make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.

Then the priests and the prophets spoke to the rulers and to all the people, saying, This man is worthy of death, for he has prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with your ears.

Then Jeremiah spoke to all the rulers and to all the people, saying, LORD sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that ye have heard.

Then the rulers and all the people said to the priests and to the prophets. This man is not worthy of death, for he has spoken to us in the name of LORD our God.

Then certain of the elders of the land rose up, and spoke to all the assembly of the people, saying,

And all the nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the time of his own land comes. And then many nations and great kings shall make him their bondman.

They shall be carried to Babylon, and there they shall be until the day that I visit them, says LORD. Then I will bring them up, and restore them to this place.

Then the prophet Jeremiah said to the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests, and in the presence of all the people who stood in the house of LORD,

Nevertheless hear thou now this word that I speak in thine ears, and in the ears of all the people:

The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then the prophet shall be known that LORD has truly sent him.

Then Hananiah the prophet took the bar from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and broke it.

Then the word of LORD came to Jeremiah after Hananiah the prophet had broken the bar from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah, saying,

Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah. LORD has not sent thee, but thou make this people to trust in a lie.

Thus speaks LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, Because thou have sent letters in thine own name to all the people who are at Jerusalem, and to Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, the priest, and to all the priests, saying,

Then the word of LORD came to Jeremiah, saying,

All who love thee have forgotten thee; they seek thee not. For I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the greatness of thine iniquity, because thy sins were increased.

Why do thou cry for thy hurt? Thy pain is incurable, for the greatness of thine iniquity. Because thy sins were increased, I have done these things to thee.

Therefore all those who devour thee shall be devoured, and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity. And those who despoil thee shall be a spoil, and all who prey upon thee I will give for a prey.

For LORD has ransomed Jacob, and redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he.

Then the virgin shall rejoice in the dance, and the young men and the old together, for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.

Thus says LORD: Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, for thy work shall be rewarded, says LORD, and they shall come again from the land of the enemy.

If these ordinances depart from before me, says LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me forever.

Thus says LORD: If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, then I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, says LORD.

Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum thine uncle shall come to thee, saying, Buy thee my field that is in Anathoth. For the right of redemption is thine to buy it.

So Hanamel my uncle's son came to me in the court of the guard according to the word of LORD, and said to me, Buy my field, I pray thee, that is in Anathoth, which is in the land of Benjamin. For the right of inheritance is thine,

Then the word of LORD came to Jeremiah, saying,

then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he shall not have a son to reign upon his throne, and with the Levites the priests, my ministers.

then I will also cast away the seed of Jacob, and of David my servant, so that I will not take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will cause their captivity to return, and will have mercy on

And thou shall not escape out of his hand, but shall surely be taken, and delivered into his hand. And thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shall go to Babyl

Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah, king of Judah in Jerusalem,

Then I took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habazziniah, and his brothers, and all his sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites.