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Young men in whom was no blemish, but handsome, and skilful in all wisdom, and gifted in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the language of the Chaldeans.

Thus Melzar took away the portion of their food, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them vegetables.

Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

And Darius the Mede took the kingdom, being about threescore and two years old.

Then was the king exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of harm was found upon him, because he believed in his God.

But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.

But the court shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a siege mound, and take the most fortified city: and the forces of the south shall not withstand, neither his choice troops, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.

After this shall he turn his face unto the coastlands, and shall take many: but a ruler for his own behalf shall bring the reproach brought by him to cease; with his reproach removed he shall cause it to turn back on him.

And forces shall appear on his part, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall set up the abomination that makes desolate.

And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flattery: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and take action.