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"A cry was heard in Ramah! Weeping and great lamenting! Rachel weeping for her children, And inconsolable because they were gone."

Whoever welcomes a prophet because he is a prophet will have the same reward as a prophet, and whoever welcomes an upright man because he is upright will have the same reward as an upright man.

And no one who will give the humblest of my disciples even a cup of cold water because he is my disciple, I tell you, can ever fail of his reward."

Then he began to reproach the towns in which his numerous wonders had been done, because they did not repent.

but when the sun came up it was scorched and withered up, because it had no root.

This is why I speak to them in figures, because though they look they do not see, and though they listen they do not hear or understand.

but it takes no real root in him, and lasts only a little while, and when trouble or persecution comes because of the message, he gives it up at once.

And the king was sorry, but because he had sworn to do it, and because of the guests who were present, he ordered it to be given to her.

They said to him, 'Because nobody has hired us.' He said to them, 'You go to my vineyard, too.'