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Whereas several have undertaken to draw up a narrative of those transactions, which pass'd among us;

In the time of Herod, the king of Judea, there was a certain priest, named Zacharias, of the family of Abia, whose wife; nam'd Elizabeth, was of the race of Aaron:

then he took him up in his arms, and returned thanks to God in these words, "now,

let your actions therefore show your repentance, and don't pretend to say within yourselves, "we have Abraham for our father:" for I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.

and with the fan in his hand he will thoroughly cleanse his floor, and will lay up the wheat in his grainery: but the chaff he will burn with inextinguishable fire.

and they shall bear you up in their hands, for fear your foot should hit against a stone."

being come to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; according to his custom, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath-day, and standing up to read,

and breaking up the assembly, they drove him out of the city, to the precipice of the hill, upon which it was built, in order to throw him headlong down.

but when they found it impracticable to bring him in through the crowd, they went up the gallery to the leads, and let him down through the ceiling in his bed among the company, where Jesus was,

which is easier, to say, your sins are forgiven you, or to say, rise up, and walk?

but that ye may know, that the son of man hath power to forgive sins, rise, said he, to the paralytick, 'tis I command you, take up your bed, and go home.

immediately he started up before them all, took up the bed, where he lay, and went home, glorifying God.

immediately he rose up, left all his affairs, and became his disciple.

but as he knew their thoughts, he said to the man, whose hand was paralytic, rise up, and stand there in the middle. and he arose, and stood before him.

blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be satisfied. blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall find matter of mirth.

and the deceased sat up, and began to speak, and Jesus delivered him to his mother.

all that were present were seized with dread, and glorified God, saying, a great prophet is risen up among us, and God has visited his people.

some fell upon very stony ground, which no sooner sprung up, but it wither'd away, for want of moisture:

but some of the corn fell into good soil, and grew up, yielding a hundred grains for one. then raising his voice he concluded with these words, he that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

then they came to wake him, crying, master, master, we are sinking. then he rose up, and rebuked the wind, and the waves: and both subside to a calm.

but to his disciples he said, where is your faith? while they, seiz'd with fear and admiration, said to one another, who can this man be, that he commands even the winds, and the waves, and they obey?

upon seeing Jesus, he set up a great cry, fell down before him, and roar'd out, what business have you with me, Jesus son of the most high God? I beseech you torment me not.

the company there were all in tears lamenting for her: but he said don't weep; she is not dead, but asleep.

immediately she came to life, and rose up: and he order'd, that something should be given her to eat.

then he took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he ask'd blessing: then divided them, and gave them to his disciples to be distributed among the people:

About eight days after this discourse, he took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up a mountain to pray.

Then a doctor of the law stood up to try him, saying, master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

went up to him, dress'd his wounds by applying oil and wine, then set him upon his own mule, and brought him to an inn, where he took care of him.

and he within should give this answer, don't trouble me now: the door is made fast, and my family are all in bed: I can't get up to supply you.

As he was discoursing thus, a certain woman in the middle of the crowd lift up her voice, and said to him, happy the mother, who bare thee: happy the nurse, who gave thee milk.

the queen of the south shall rise up in the day of judgment against this generation, and condemn it: for she came from the remote parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; but now, a greater than Solomon is here.

the people of Nineve shall rise up in the day of Judgment, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; but now, a greater than Jonas is here.

and thus he reason'd with himself, what shall I do for want of room to store up my crop?

but when you are invited, go place your self last; that he, who invited you, when he comes, may say to you, friend, go up higher: and that will do you honour before all the company at table.

whereas this son of yours, who has eat up his fortune among a pack of loose creatures, is no sooner come but you must kill the fatted calf for him.

and being in the infernal regions of torments, he lift up his eyes, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bower.

if your faith improv'd like a grain of mustard-seed, you might say to this sycamine-tree, be thou rooted up, and planted in the sea; and it should obey you.

but the Publican, who stood a good way lower, not daring to lift up even his eyes to heaven, only smote his breast, and said, O God, be merciful to me, who am a sinner.

so he ran before, and climb'd up a mulberry-tree to view him; for he was to pass that way.

as soon as Jesus came at the place, he look'd up, and seeing him, Zaccheus, said he, make haste down; for I intend to dine at your house to-day.

but another came and said, Lord, here's your money, which I laid up safe in a napkin.

One day, as he was instructing the people in the temple, and preaching the gospel, the chief priests, and the Scribes, with the rulers came up to him,

At length the whole assembly broke up, and Jesus was conducted to Pilate:

you have represented this man to me as one that was stirring up the people to a revolt: you see I have examin'd him in your presence; yet I don't find he is guilty of the crimes you have laid to his charge: no, nor even Herod;

I will therefore order him to be whipp'd, and then release him.

however he urg'd it a third time, why, what crime has he done? I don't find he has done any thing that deserves death: I will therefore order him to be whipp'd, and so dismiss him.

but Jesus turn'd about and said to them, daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for your selves, and for your children.

yet Peter got up, and ran to the sepulchre, where stooping down he saw nothing but the linnen lying there: upon which he went away wondring with himself at such an event.

and of his being deliver'd up by our chief priests and magistrates to be condemn'd to die, whom they actually crucified: