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And to Shimei are sixteen sons and six daughters, and to his brethren there are not many sons, and none of their families have multiplied as much as the sons of Judah.

Micah his son, Reaiah his son, Baal his son,

And they make war with the Hagarites, and Jetur, and Naphish, and Nodab,

And Aaron and his sons are making perfume on the altar of the burnt-offering, and on the altar of the perfume, for all the work of the holy of holies, and to make atonement for Israel, according to all that Moses servant of God commanded.

And a son of Jonathan is Merib-Baal, and Merib-Baal begat Micah;

and sons of Micah: Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz:

and Bakbakkar, Heresh, and Galal, and Mattaniah son of Micah, son of Zichri, son of Asaph;

And a son of Jonathan is Merib-Baal, and Merib-Baal begat Micah.

And sons of Micah: Pithon, and Melech, and Tahrea,

And he putteth before the ark of Jehovah, of the Levites, ministers, even to make mention of, and to thank, and to give praise to Jehovah, God of Israel,

Give thanks to Jehovah, call in His name, Make known among the peoples His doings.

O Jehovah, for Thy servant's sake, and according to Thine own heart Thou hast done all this greatness, to make known all these great things.

And who is as Thy people Israel, one nation in the earth whom God hath gone to ransom to Him for a people, to make for Thee a name great and fearful, to cast out from the presence of Thy people whom Thou hast ransomed out of Egypt -- nations?

and from Tibhath, and from Chun, cities of Hadarezer, hath David taken very much brass; with it hath Solomon made the brazen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass.

And the servants of Hadarezer see that they have been smitten before Israel, and they make peace with David and serve him, and Aram hath not been willing to help the sons of Ammon any more.

And David taketh the crown of their king from off his head, and findeth it in weight a talent of gold, and in it a precious stone, and it is on the head of David: and spoil of the city he hath brought out very much,

and the word of Jehovah is against me, saying, Blood in abundance thou hast shed, and great wars thou hast made: thou dost not build a house to My name, for much blood thou hast shed to the earth before Me.

Sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses; and Aaron is separated for his sanctifying the holy of holies, he and his sons -- unto the age, to make perfume before Jehovah, to serve Him, and to bless in His name -- unto the age.

Sons of Uzziel: Micah the head, and Ishshiah, the second.

And Jehovah, God of Israel, doth fix on me out of all the house of my father to be for king over Israel to the age, for on Judah He hath fixed for a leader, and in the house of Judah, the house of my father, and among the sons of my father, on me, me He hath been pleased to make king over all Israel;