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"{Prepare yourself for a difficult task like a man}, and I will question you, and you shall declare to me.

"Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? Or {can you tie down its mouth with a cord}?

Will it make numerous pleas for mercy to you? Or will it speak gentle words to you?

Lay your hands on it; think about [the] battle--you will not do [it] again!

Who has come to confront me, that I should repay [him]? Under all the heavens, {it belongs to me}.

They are close {to one another}-- even [the] air cannot come between them.

They are joined {one to another}; they cling together and cannot be separated.

{An arrow} will not make it flee; sling stones are turned to stubble for it.

'Who [is] this darkening counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I uttered, but I did not understand; {things too wonderful for me}, but I did not know.

{And then} after Yahweh spoke these words to Job, Yahweh said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "{My wrath has been kindled} against you and against [the] two of your friends, for you have not spoken to me what is right as my servant Job [has].

{So then}, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. And my servant Job will pray for you, for {I will certainly accept his prayer}, so that it will not be done with you [according to your] folly, for you have not spoken to me what is right as my servant Job [has]."

So all his brothers and all his sisters and all [those who] had known him {before} came to him, and they ate bread with him in his house and showed sympathy to him and comforted him for all the disaster that Yahweh had brought upon him. Then each one gave to him one piece of money, and each one [gave to him] one ornamental ring of gold.

And beautiful women were not found in all the land like Job's daughters, and their father gave to them an inheritance in the midst of their brothers.