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Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice in his upper room, which [was] in Samaria, and he was injured. So he sent messengers, and he said to them, "Go, inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, if I will survive this injury."

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesBeelzebubHealingHousesSuffering, Causes OfPeople Falling From A HeightUpper Rooms

Therefore, thus says Yahweh, 'The bed upon which you have gone, you will not come down from it, but you shall surely die.'" So Elijah went.

Verse ConceptsNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon Happen

Then they said to him, "A man came up to meet us, and he said to us, 'Go, return to the king who sent you and speak to him, "Thus says Yahweh, 'Is it because there is no God in Israel that you [are] sending to inquire of Baal-Zebub the god of Ekron? Therefore the bed upon which you have gone, you will not come down from it, for you will surely die.'" '"

Verse ConceptsProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtWord Of GodNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon Happen

and he said to him, "Thus says Yahweh, 'Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron--is it because there is no God in Israel [from whom] to inquire his word?--therefore the bed upon which you went, you shall not come down from it, for you shall surely die.'"

Verse ConceptsPrayerlessnessNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon Happen

So he died, according to the word of Yahweh which Elijah had spoken, and Joram became king in his place in the second year of Joram the son of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, because he had no son.

Verse ConceptsWord Of GodKings Of The Northern KingdomList Of Kings Of IsraelWords To Individuals Fulfilled

The remainder of the acts of Ahaziah which he did, [are] they not written in the scroll of the events of the days of the kings of Israel?

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksaccomplishments

Then he said, "Which way shall we go up?" And he answered, "By way of the wilderness of Edom."

Verse ConceptsDeserts, Specific

So the king of Israel and the king of Judah and the king of Edom went around, a way of seven days, but there was no water for the army or for the animals which {were with them}.

Verse ConceptsWaterDry PlacesSeven DaysNo Water For People

But the woman conceived, and she bore a son {in the spring}, which Elisha had promised to her.

Verse ConceptsTime Of YearMan's Words Fulfilled

Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, "Go, you must wash seven times in the Jordan, then your flesh shall return to you, and you shall be clean."

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent OutBodyMedicineMessengerRivers And StreamsWashingMiracles Of ElishaSeven TimesIn The Jordan

Are not the Abana and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all of the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them that I may be clean?" Then he turned and left in anger.

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsUnbelief, Examples OfAngry People

But his servants came near and spoke to him and said, "My father, [if] the prophet had spoken a difficult thing to you to do, would you not have done [it]? [Why not] even when he says to you, 'Wash and you shall be clean'?"

Verse ConceptsServants, GoodNamed Prophets Of The LordExamples Of Good Servants

So the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God said to him and warned him, so he was on guard there {continually}.

Verse ConceptsWarning Individuals

Then one of his servants said, "No, my lord the king, but Elisha the prophet who is [in] Israel tells the king of Israel things which you speak {in your own bedchamber}."

Verse ConceptsBedroomsNamed Prophets Of The LordPrivate Roomssecretssyriatraitors

Then one of his servants replied and said, "Please let them take five of the remaining horses which remain in [the city]; behold, they [are] like all of the multitude of Israel that remain in it; they are like all the multitude of Israel who have perished. Let us send and see."

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsLike Bad People

and they went after them to the Jordan. Look, all of the way [was] littered with clothes and equipment which [the] Arameans had thrown away in their haste. Then the messengers returned and told the king.

Verse ConceptsAbandoning ThingsHasty Action

Then the king appointed the officer he was depending on over the gate, but the people trampled him and he died, according to that which the man of God had said which he spoke when the king came down to him.

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Causes OfTrampling PeopleDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsOther Supporting

Now the king [was] speaking to Gehazi the servant of the man of God, saying, "Please tell me all of the great things which Elisha has done."

Verse ConceptsMan Of God

Joram the king returned to Jezreel to heal from the wounds which the Arameans had inflicted at Ramah when Hazael king of Aram fought him. Ahaziah the son of Joram, king of Judah, went down to see Joram the son of Ahab in Jezreel, for he [was] ill.

Verse ConceptsVisitingVisiting Of The SickVisitationPeople Visiting

But Joram the king had returned to heal in Jezreel from the wound which the Arameans had inflicted on him when he fought with Hazael king of Aram. Jehu said, "{If this is what you want}, do not let him go out as a fugitive from the city to go to make it known in Jezreel."

Verse ConceptsNo EscapeDo Not Tell

When Ahaziah king of Judah saw, he fled the way of Beth-Haggen. Jehu pursued after him and said, "Shoot him also, in the chariot." [They shot him] at the ascent of Gur which [is] in Ibleam, and he fled [to] Megiddo, but he died there.

Verse ConceptsShoutingMegiddo

They returned and told him, and he said, "This [is] the word of Yahweh which he spoke by the hand of his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, 'On the plot of ground of Jezreel, the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel.'"

Verse ConceptsMinistry, Nature OfWord Of GodAnimals Eating PeopleEating CorpsesWords To Individuals Fulfilledjezebel

Know then that {the word of Yahweh will not fail} which Yahweh spoke concerning the house of Ahab; Yahweh has done what he spoke by the hand of his servant Elijah.

Verse ConceptsMinistry, Nature OfWords To Individuals Fulfilled

Then he came to Samaria and killed all who remained to Ahab in Samaria until he wiped them out according to the word of Yahweh which he had spoken to Elijah.

Verse ConceptsWord Of GodKilling Whole Families

Only Jehu did not turn aside from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat [by] which he caused Israel to sin; [namely,] the calf-shaped idols of gold which [were in] Bethel and Dan.

Verse ConceptsGolden Calves

But Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of Yahweh God of Israel with all his heart; he did not turn from the sins of Jeroboam [by] which he caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsHalf Heartedness

from the Jordan eastward: all of the land of Gilead, the Gadites, the Reubenites, and the Manassites, from Aroer which [is] on the Wadi Arnon and Gilead and Bashan.

Verse ConceptsArnonBeyond JordanReuben Gad And Half Manasseh

Now the days which Jehu had reigned over Israel [were] twenty-eight years in Samaria.

Verse Concepts20 To 30 YearsList Of Kings Of Israel

He commanded them, saying, "This [is] the thing which you must do: one third of you {who go off duty on the Sabbath}, the keepers of the guard in the house of the king,

Verse ConceptsDividing Into Three Groups

Then the priest gave to the commanders of the hundreds spears and small round shields which [were] King David's, which [were] in the temple of Yahweh.

Jehoash said to the priests, "All of the money for the sacred things that is brought to the temple of Yahweh, {the money taxed at its proper value for each person} [and] all of the money which comes upon the heart of a man to bring to the temple of Yahweh,

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of PossessionsMoney For The TempleMoney ManagementSaving Moneypriests

They placed the money, [which was] weighed out, into the hands of the workers who were appointed over the temple of Yahweh, and they paid [it to] the skilled craftsmen of wood and [to] the builders working on the temple of Yahweh

Verse ConceptsBuildingCarpenterswoodworking

But he did evil in the eyes of Yahweh, and he went after the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat with which he had caused Israel to sin, and he did not depart from it.

Yet they did not depart from the sins of the house of Jeroboam which he caused Israel to sin, but walked in it; and also, the pole of the Asherah worship was [still] standing in Samaria.

Verse ConceptsServing Asherah

He did evil in the eyes of Yahweh; he did not depart from all of the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which he caused Israel to sin, [but] walked in it.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofImitating Wicked Kings

Elisha became ill with the illness with which he would die, so Jehoash king of Israel went down to him and wept before him, and said, "My father, my father; the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!"

Verse ConceptsHorsesVisitingWeepingDeath Of The Saints, Examples OfVisiting Of The SickVisitationDuplicating WordsHeavenly ChariotsHow Death Is InevitableSick IndividualsMourning In RegretList Of Kings Of IsraelIllnesscancer

Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz returned and took the cities from the hand of Ben-Hadad the son of Hazael which he had taken from the hand of Jehoahaz his father in the war. Three times Jehoash defeated him and recovered the towns of Israel.

Verse ConceptsActing Three TimesCapturing Cities

He did right in the eyes of Yahweh, only not as David his ancestor; as all which Jehoash his father had done, he did.

Verse ConceptsKingship, HumanNot Imitating GoodPeople Who Did Right

But the sons of the killers he did not kill, as it is written in the scroll of the law of Moses which Yahweh had commanded, saying, "Fathers should not be killed because of children, and children should not be killed because of fathers; but a man should die because of his [own] sin."

Verse ConceptsBook of the LawSins Of The FathersWritten In The LawDeath Of A Child

So Jehoash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah, saying, "The thornbush which is in Lebanon sent to the cedar which is in Lebanon, saying, 'Give your daughter to my son as wife,' but an animal of the field which [is] in Lebanon passed by and trampled the thornbush.

Verse ConceptsCedarFablesThornsSarcasmThistlesOld Testament ParablesGiving In Marriage

But Amaziah would not listen, so Jehoash king of Israel went up and they met face-to-face, he and Amaziah king of Judah, at Beth-Shemesh which belongs to Judah.

Verse ConceptsConfrontationList Of Kings Of IsraelPeople Attacking Their Own

Now the remainder of the acts of Jehoash which he did, and his powerful [deeds], and how he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, [are] they not written on the scroll of the events of the days of the kings of Israel?

Verse ConceptsFighting One AnotherHistorical Booksaccomplishments

But he did evil in the eyes of Yahweh; he did not depart from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which he caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature of

He restored the boundary of Israel from Lebo-Hamath up to the sea of the Arabah, according to the word of Yahweh which he spoke by the hand of his servant Jonah the son of Amittai the prophet, who was from Gath-Hepher.

Verse ConceptsSeaWord Of GodNamed Prophets Of The LordWords To Individuals Fulfilled

He did evil in the eyes of Yahweh as his ancestors had done. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which he caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature of

This is the word of Yahweh which he spoke to Jehu, saying, "Sons of a fourth [generation] shall sit for you on the throne of Israel," and it was so.

Verse ConceptsGenerationsProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtThroneWord Of GodWords To Individuals Fulfilled

Now the remainder of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he conspired; look, they [are] written on the scroll of the events of the days of the kings of Israel.

Verse ConceptsConspiraciesHistorical Books

But he did evil in the eyes of Yahweh. He did not depart all of his days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which he caused Israel to sin.

But he did evil in the eyes of Yahweh. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which he caused Israel to sin.

He did evil in the eyes of Yahweh. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which he caused Israel to sin.

Now the remainder of the acts of Jotham which he did, [are] they not written on the scroll of the events of the days of the kings of Judah?

Verse ConceptsHistorical Books

He walked in the way of the kings of Israel; he even let his son pass through the fire according to the detestable things of the nations which Yahweh drove out from before the {Israelites}.

Verse ConceptsChild sacrificeSacrifice, In OtSanctity Of LifePagan PracticesInfanticideThe Lord Drove Them Out

So King Ahaz went to meet Tiglath-Pileser the king of Assyria [in] Damascus, and he saw the altar which [was] in Damascus, so King Ahaz sent to Uriah the priest the builder's plan of the altar and the {exact model of how it had been made}.

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In OtAltars, PaganDesign

Now the bronze altar which was before Yahweh, he brought over from the front of the temple, from between [his] altar and the temple of Yahweh, and he placed it at the side of [his] altar to the north.

Verse ConceptsNorth Of The AltarSacrifice On The Bronze Altar

The covering for the Sabbath which they had built in the palace and in the entrance of the king to the outside, he removed [from] the temple of Yahweh because of the presence of the king of Assyria.

Verse ConceptsPavements

Now the remainder of the acts of Ahaz which he did, [are] they not written in the scroll of the events of the days of the kings of Judah?

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksaccomplishments

They walked in the statutes of the nations whom Yahweh had driven out from before the {Israelites}, which the kings of Israel had introduced.

Verse ConceptsHeathenImitating Wicked PeopleThe Lord Drove Them Out

The {Israelites} secretly did things which [were] not right, against Yahweh their God; they built high places for themselves in all their towns, from the watchtower up to the fortified city.

Verse ConceptsSecrecySecret SinsConcealment, Of SinActing In Secret

They burned incense there on all the high places, like the nations which Yahweh deported before them, and they did evil things to provoke Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesGod's Intolerance Of EvilProvoking GodIncense Offered AmissSacrificing On The High Places

They served idols which Yahweh had said to them, "You shall not do this thing!"

Verse ConceptsIdol WorshipGod Forbidding

Yahweh warned Israel and Judah by the hand of his every prophet, [with] every seer saying, "Turn from all of your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my ordinances, according to all the law which I commanded your ancestors, which I sent to you by the hand of my servants the prophets."

Verse Conceptsethics, and graceProphets, Role OfRepentance, Nature OfSeersSin, God's Remedy ForInspiration Of The Holy Spirit, Purpose OfGod Spoke By The ProphetsKeep The Commandments!Old Testament Claims Inspirationprophets

They rejected his statutes, his covenant which he {made} with their ancestors, and his warnings which he gave to them; and they went after the idols, became vain, and [went] after all the nations which [were] all around them, which Yahweh had commanded them not to do as they [did].

Verse ConceptsFutilityFalse ReligionConformityPrayerlessnessRejection Of GodImitating Wicked PeopleForsaking God's ThingsUseless EndeavourBreaking The Covenant

Even Judah did not keep the commands of Yahweh their God, and they walked in the customs of Israel which they introduced,

Verse ConceptsBreaking God's Lawcommandments

The {Israelites} walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he committed, and they did not depart from it,

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked Kings

Yet every nation was making their gods, and they put them in the shrine of the high places that the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities in which they [were] living.

Verse ConceptsSacrificing On The High Placesgroups

Yahweh they were fearing, but their gods they were serving, according to the customs of the nations from which they were deported.

Verse ConceptsFalse WorshipLoyaltyParticipation, In SinServanthood, And Worship Of Goddouble mindednessServing One's Own Gods

Until this day they [are] doing according to their former customs; none of them [are] fearing Yahweh, and none of them [are] doing according to their statutes, to their decisions, to the law, or to the commands that Yahweh commanded the descendants of Jacob [to] which he had given the name Israel.

Verse ConceptsOrdinancesGod Renaming PeopleFalse Religion To This DayBreaking God's LawImmigrants

He removed the high places, and he smashed the stone pillars; he cut down the poles of Asherah worship and demolished the bronze serpent which Moses had made, for up to those days the {Israelites} were offering incense to it and called it Nehushtan.

Verse ConceptsAbolitionHigh PlacesLeaders, PoliticalReformationShrinesThe Bronze SnakeSnakesStonesDestruction Of Satan's WorksObelisksAbandoning IdolsBronze For IdolsMemorabilia

At that time, Hezekiah cut off the doors of the temple of Yahweh and the doorposts which Hezekiah king of Judah had overlaid, and he gave them to the king of Assyria.

Verse ConceptsGoldSacrilegeOverlaid With GoldMoney For The Temple

So the king of Assyria sent the commander in chief, the chief eunuch, and the {chief advisor} from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem with a heavy army. They went up and came [to] Jerusalem, then they went up and came and stood at the aqueduct of the upper pool which is on the main road of the {washer's} field.

Verse ConceptsCommanderLargenessOccupationsSiegesActual Attacks On JerusalemWater ChannelLarge Armies

Now, look! You {rely} on the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt, which [when] a man leans on it, it goes into his hand and pierces it! So [is] Pharaoh the king of Egypt for all who are trusting on him!

Verse ConceptsReedsStaffTrusting Other People

Perhaps Yahweh your God will hear all of the words of [the] chief commander whom his master the king of Assyria has sent to insult [the] living God, and he will rebuke the words which Yahweh your God has heard. Therefore lift up a prayer for the remainder who are left.'"

Verse ConceptsBlasphemy, Examples OfGod, Living And Self sustainingRemnantRidicule, Objects OfSurvivors FavouredPray For UsWill God Pay Attention?

and Isaiah said to them, "Thus you must say to your master, 'Thus says Yahweh, "You must not be afraid because the face of the words which you have heard, [with] which the servants of the king of Assyria have reviled me.

Incline your ears and hear; open, O Yahweh, your eyes and see and hear the words of Sennacherib which he has sent to insult the living God.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Prayer DuringGod, Living And Self sustainingPay Attention O God!

The remainder of the house of Judah which survives will again [take] root below and bear fruit above.

Verse ConceptsRootsSurvivors FavouredPotential Of FruitGod's People Planted

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "The word of Yahweh which you have spoken [is] good," and he thought, "Is it not that peace and security shall be in my days?"

Verse ConceptsAfflicted SaintsSearchingResignationTime Of Peace

He returned and rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed. He erected altars for Baal and made a pole of Asherah worship just as Ahab king of Israel had made, and he bowed down to all of the host of heaven and served them.

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsFalse ReligionBowingAltars, PaganBuilding AltarsList Of Kings Of IsraelServing Asherah

He built altars in the temple of Yahweh [about] which Yahweh had said, "I will put my name in Jerusalem."

Verse ConceptsBuilding AltarsA Place For God's Name

He put the image of the Asherah that he had made in the temple which Yahweh had said to David and to Solomon his son, "In this temple and in Jerusalem which I have chosen from all of the tribes of Israel, I will put my name forever.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with Davidelection, privileges ofSculptureSacrilegeServing AsherahA Place For God's NameChristmas Tree

I will not again make the feet of Israel wander from the land which I have given to their ancestors, if they only observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, as far as the law that Moses my servant commanded them."

Verse ConceptsKeep The Commandments!

therefore, thus says Yahweh the God of Israel, 'Look, I am bringing disaster upon Jerusalem and Judah about which the two ears of all who hear it will tingle.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of Jerusalem

Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood until he filled Jerusalem {from one end to another}, apart from his sin which he caused Judah to sin by doing evil in the eyes of Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsBlood, as basis of lifeInnocence, Teaching OnSanctity Of LifeSuffering, Causes OfUnfaithfulness, To GodInnocent BloodSheddingKilling The Innocent

He walked in all of the way which his father had walked, and he served the idols which his father had served and bowed down to them.

"Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, and let them count the money being brought to the temple of Yahweh which the keepers of the threshold have collected from the people,

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In OtCounting MoneyDoorkeepersFinances

He tore down the shrines of the male shrine prostitutes which were in the temple of Yahweh, where the women were weaving shrines for the Asherah.

Verse ConceptsHomosexualityArrogant ExistenceSpinning And WeavingMale ProstitutesServing Asherah

Then he brought all of the priests from the cities of Judah and defiled the high places where the priests from Geba up to Beersheba burned incense. He tore down the high places of the gates which were at the entrance of the gate of Joshua, the governor of the city, which were on the left of each gate of the city.

Verse ConceptsGatesGovernorsHigh Places

He defiled the Topheth which [is] in the Valley of Ben-Hinnom, {to prevent} anyone causing his sons or his daughters to pass through the fire for Molech.

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsChild sacrificeHuman SacrificesPolluting The Landdrums

He kept the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun from coming to the temple of Yawheh at the side room of Nathan-Melech the eunuch, which [was] in the court; and the chariots of the sun he burned with fire.

Verse ConceptsChamberlainsBurning Idolatrous ThingsAbandoning IdolsPrivate Rooms

The altars which [were] on the roof of the upper room of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courtyards of the temple of Yahweh, the king tore down and ran from there and threw their ashes into the Wadi Kidron.

Verse ConceptsRoofValleysBuilding AltarsUpper RoomsCourts Of The Temple

The high places which [were] east of Jerusalem, which [were] on the south of the Mountain of Destruction which Solomon king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sidonians and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab and for Molech the detestable thing of the {Ammonites}, the king defiled.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsFalse GodsHillsAbominations, Idolatry IsPolluting The LandServing Asherah

Moreover, the altar which [was] in Bethel, the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who had caused Israel to sin, had built, even that altar and the high place, [Josiah] tore down. Then he burned down the high place and crushed [the] pole of Asherah worship to dust and burned it with fire.

Verse ConceptsGrindingAltars, Pagan

When Josiah turned and saw the tombs which [were] there on the hill, he sent and took the bones from the tombs and burned [them] on the altar. [Thus] he defiled them according to the word of Yahweh that the man of God had proclaimed who had proclaimed these things.

Verse ConceptsTombsWord Of GodBonesBurning Idolatrous Things

Then he said, "What [is] this gravestone that I [am] seeing?" The men of the city said to him, "[This is the] tomb of the man of God who came from Judah and proclaimed these things which you have done against the altar of Bethel."

Verse ConceptsBurial Of Unnamed People

Moreover, all of the shrines of the high places which [were] in the towns of Samaria which the kings of Israel had made to provoke [Yahweh], Josiah removed, and he did to them like all of the deeds he had done in Bethel

Verse ConceptsSamaritansreuniting

However, Yahweh did not turn from the fierceness of his great anger which was kindled against Judah because of all of the provocations [with] which Manasseh had provoked him.

Verse Conceptselection, privileges ofHeatPropitiationGod Will Be Angry

Yahweh had said, "Even Judah I will remove from my face, as I have removed Israel; I will reject this city that I have chosen, even Jerusalem and the house [of] which I said, 'My name shall be there'!"

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, Significance OfRejection Of God, Results OfDriven From God's PresenceA Place For God's Name

Then he took from there all of the treasures of the temple of Yahweh and the treasures of the palace of the king. He cut up all of the vessels of gold which Solomon the king of Israel had made in the temple of Yahweh, as Yahweh had foretold.

Verse ConceptsPalacesStoringTreasureTributesBreaking ContainersTemple Utensils Removed

Then the city was breached, and all of the men of war [entered] by night by way of the gate between the wall which was by the garden of the king, and the Chaldeans [were] against the city all around, so he left by the way of the Arabah.

Verse ConceptsHorticultureWallsEnemies SurroundingComing BetweenWalled TownsIsrael FleeingDuring One NightTwo Parts Of Constructions

The bronze pillars which [were in] the temple of Yahweh, the water carts, and the bronze sea that was in the temple of Yahweh, the Chaldeans broke into pieces and carried their bronze to Babylon.

Verse ConceptsPossessions Taken To BabylonSeaSacrilegeBreaking ContainersPillars For Solomon's TempleAmassing BronzeBronze Items For The Tabernacle

The pots, the shovels, the snuffers, the dishes, and the vessels of bronze with which they served there, they took.

Verse ConceptsHoly VesselsSacred Vessels