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If they stumble, the first will lift up his friend but woe to anyone who is alone when he falls and there is no one to help him get up.

When you make a promise to God, don't fail to keep it, since he isn't pleased with fools. Keep what you promise

Don't be surprised when you see the poor oppressed and the violent perverting both justice and verdicts in a province, for one high official watches another, and there are ones higher still over them.

When possessions increase, so does the number of consumers; therefore what good are they to their owners, except to look at them?

For the wise person thinks carefully when in mourning, but fools focus their thoughts on pleasure.

I observed all this, and carefully considered everything that is undertaken on earth, especially the time when someone dominates another to his detriment.

When I dedicated myself to experience wisdom and to observe what is undertaken on earth even going without sleep day and night

Otherwise, when the sun, daylight, moon, or stars turn dark, or when clouds fail to return after the rain

when that day comes, the palace guards will tremble, strong men will stoop down, women grinders will cease because they are few, and the sight of those who peer through the lattice will grow dim.

The doors to the street will be shut when the sound of grinding decreases, when one wakes up at the song of a bird, and all of the singing women are silenced.

When the silver cord is severed, the golden vessel is broken, the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, and the wheel is broken at the cistern,