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Unto these, the king appointed a certain portion of his own meat, and of the wine which he drank himself, so to nourish them three years: that afterward they might stand before the king.

Therefore stood they before the king, which in all wisdom and matters of understanding that he enquired of them, found them ten times better than all the soothsayers and charmers that were in all his realm.

Then the king commanded to call together all the soothsayers, charmers, witches and Chaldeans, for to show the king his dream. So they came, and stood before the king.

They answered again, and said, "The king must show his servants the dream, and so shall we declare what it meaneth."

and the proclamation went forth that the wise men should be slain. They sought also to slay Daniel with his companions.

that they should beseech the God of heaven for grace in this secret, that Daniel and his fellows with others such as were wise in Babylon, perished not.

Then was the iron, the earth, the copper, the silver and gold broken altogether in pieces: and became like the chaff of corn, that the wind bloweth away from the summer floors, that they can no more be found. But the stone that smote the Image, became a great mountain, which fulfilleth the whole earth.

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with clay: they shall mingle themselves with the seed of simple people: and yet not continue one with another, like as iron will not be soldered with a potsherd.

Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell down upon his face, and bowed himself unto Daniel, and commanded that they should offer meat offerings and sweet odours unto him.

and sent out to gather together the dukes, lords and nobles, the judges and officers, the deputies and sheriffs, with all the rulers of the land: that they might come to the dedication of the Image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

So the dukes, lords and nobles, the judges and officers, deputies and sheriffs, with all the rulers of the land gathered them together, and came unto the dedicating of the Image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. Now when they stood before the Image, which Nebuchadnezzar had set up,

Thou being king hast given a commandment, that all men when they hear noise of the trumpets, harps, shawmes psalteries, symphonies and all the other melodies: shall fall down and bow themselves toward the golden Image.

Now are there certain Jews, whom thou hast set over the offices of the land of Babylon: namely, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men, O king, regard not thy commandment; yea they will not serve thy gods, nor bow themselves to the golden Image, that thou hast set up."

Then Nebuchadnezzar the king marveled, and stood up in all haste: he spake unto his counsel and said, "Did not ye cast these three men bound into the fire?" They answered, and said unto the king, "Yea O king."

He answered and said, "Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt. And the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

Then spake Nebuchadnezzar, and said, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: which hath sent his angel, and defended his servants that put their trust in him: that have altered the king's commandment, and jeopardized their bodies thereupon, rather than they would serve or worship any other god except their own God only.

Then sent I out a commission, that all they which were of wisdom at Babylon should be brought before me, to tell me the interpretation of the dream.

So there came the soothsayers, charmers, Chaldeans and conjurers of devils: to whom I told the dream. But what it betokened, they could not show me:

in comparison of whom, all they that dwell upon the earth are to be reputed as nothing. He handleth according to his will, among the powers of heaven and among the inhabiters of the earth - and there is none that may resist his hand, or say, 'What doest thou?'

So they brought the golden vessel, that was taken out of the temple of the LORD's house at Jerusalem. Then the king and his lords with his queen and concubines drunk out of them.

They drunk wine, and praised their Idols of gold, silver, copper, iron, wood and stone.

Wherefore the king cried mightily, that they should bring him the charmers, Chaldeans, and the conjurers of devils. The king spake also to the wise men of Babylon, and said, "Whoso can read this writing, and show me the plain meaning thereof: shall be clothed with purple, have a chain of gold about his neck, and rule the third part of my kingdom."

Upon this, came all the king's wise men: but they could neither read the writing, nor show the king what it signified.

Now have there been brought me, wise and conjuring charmers, to read this writing, and to show me the meaning thereof: but they could not tell me, what this matter signified.

Wherefore the princes and lords sought to pick out in Daniel some quarrel against the kingdom: yet could they find none occasion nor fault upon him. For why? He was so faithful, that there was no blame nor dishonesty found in him.

So they came to the king, and spake before him concerning his commandment, saying, "O king, hast thou not subscribed the statute, that within thirty days whoso requireth his petition of any god or man, but only of thyself, O king, he shall be cast into the den of the lions?" The king answered, and said, "It is true. It must be as a law of the Medes and Persians, that may not be broken."

Then answered they, and said unto the king, "Daniel one of the prisoners of Judah, O king, regardeth neither thee nor thy statute that thou hast made, but maketh his petition three times a day."

And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the king commanded to bring them, and to cast them in the Lions' den: them, their children, and their wives. So the Lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones asunder, before they came at the ground.

He shall subdue three kings, and shall speak words against the highest of all: he shall destroy the saints of the most highest, and think that he may change times and laws. They shall be given under his power, until a time, two times, and a half a time.

O LORD righteousness belongeth unto thee; unto us pertaineth nothing but open shame: as it is come to pass this day unto every man of Judah, and to them that dwell at Jerusalem. Yea, unto all Israel, whether they be far or nigh, throughout all lands wherein thou hast strawed them, because of the offenses that they had done against thee.

Yea, all Israel have transgressed, and gone back from thy law, so that they have not hearkened unto thy voice. Wherefore the curse and oath, that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, against whom we have offended, is poured upon us.

After these sixty two weeks, shall Christ be slain, and they shall have no pleasure in him. Then shall there come a people with the prince, and destroy the city and the Sanctuary: and his end shall come as the water flood. But the desolation shall continue till the end of the battle.

I, Daniel, alone saw this vision. The men that were with me, saw it not: but a great fearfulness fell upon them, so that they fled away, and hid themselves.

and now will I show thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia, but the fourth shall be far richer than they all. And when he is in the chiefest power of his riches, he shall provoke every man against the realm of Greekland.

And as soon as his kingdom cometh up, it shall be destroyed, and divided toward the four winds of the heaven. They that come after him shall not have such power and dominion as he: but his kingdom shall be scattered: yea, even among others than those.

But after certain years they shall be joined together; and the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the North for to make friendship. But she shall not obtain the power of that arm, neither shall she be able to endure through his might: but she, and such as brought her - yea, and he that begat her, and comforted her for his time - shall be delivered up.

and so with craftiness to get him to the fattest place of the land, and to deal otherwise than either his fathers or grandfathers did. For he shall destroy the thing that they had robbed and spoiled, yea and all their substance: imagining thoughts against the strongholds, and that for a time.

His power and heat shall be stirred up with a great army against the king of the south: wherethrough the king of the south shall be moved then unto battle, with a great mighty host also. Nevertheless, he shall not be able to stand, for they shall conspire against him.

Yea, they that eat of his meat, shall hurt him: so that his host shall fall, and many be slain down.

These two kings shall be minded to do mischief, and talk of deceit at one table: but they shall not prosper. For why? The end shall not come yet, unto the time appointed.

Those also that have understanding among the people shall inform the multitude: and for a long season, they shall be persecuted with sword, with fire, with captivity and with the taking away of their goods.

Now when they fall, they shall be set up with a little help: but many shall cleave unto them fainedly.

Yea, some of those which have understanding shall be persecuted also: that they may be tried, purified, and cleansed, till the time be out. For there is yet another time appointed.

and many shall be purified, cleansed and tried. But the ungodly shall live wickedly, and those wicked, as many as they be, shall have no understanding. As for such as have understanding, they shall regard it.