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A man as in the land of Uz, Job his name; and that man was blameless and upright, and fearing God, and departing from evil.

And his possession will be seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred pair of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and service exceedingly much; and that man shall be great above all the sons of the east.

And his sons went and made a drinking in the house, a man his day; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Didst thou set thy heart to my servant Job? for none like him in the earth; a man blameless and upright, fearing God and departing from evil.

And Sheba will fall and take them; they struck the young men by the month of the sword; and only shall escape, I alone, to announce to thee..

This one yet speaking, and this came, and he will say, The fire of God. fell from the heavens, and it will burn upon the sheep and upon the young men, and it will devour them; and I shall escape, only I alone, to announce to thee.

This one yet speaking, and this came, and he will say, The Chaldeans set three heads, and they invaded upon the camels, and they will take them, and they struck the young men with the mouth of the sword; and I shall escape, only I alone, to announce to thee.

And behold, a great wind came from beyond the desert., and it will touch upon the four corners of the house, and fall upon the young men, and they will die; and I shall escape, I only, to announce to thee.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Didst thou set thy heart to my servant Job, that none like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and departing from evil? And yet he holding fast upon his integrity, and thou wilt stimulate me to destroy him without cause.

And the adversary will answer Jehovah and say, Skin for skin, and all which is to a man he will give for his soul.

And the three friends of Job will hear all this evil coming upon him, and they will come, a man from his place:: Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite: and they will appoint to come together to deplore for him, and to comfort him.

Because it shut not up the doors of my belly; and shall it hide the labor of mine eyes?

To a man whose way was hid, and God will hedge about him?

And a word shall be brought to me by stealth, and mine ear will take a transient sound from it

In thoughts, from visions of the night, in the falling of deep sleep upon men,

It will stand, and I shall not recognize its appearance: a form before mine eyes; I shall hear stillness and a voice:

For man shall be born to labor as the sons of the flame will lift up to fly.

Remember that my life is wind: mine eyes shall not turn back to see good

What is man that thou wilt magnify him? and that thou wilt set thy heart to him?

I sinned; what shall I do to thee, guarding men? wherefore didst thou set me for an assault to thee, and I shall be upon myself for a burden?

And why wilt thou not lift up my transgression and pass over mine iniquity? for now I shall lie down to the dust; and thou soughtest me and I was not

That thou wilt seek for mine iniquity, and wilt search out for my sins?

If I did evil, wo to me; and was I just, I shall not lift up my head, being filled with dishonor: and see thou mine affliction;

Shall not the multitude of words be answered? and shall a man of lips be justified?

Shall thy empty talks cause men to be silent? and wilt thou deride and none making ashamed?

For he knew men of vanity, and he will see iniquity; and will he not understand?

And man being empty will be without heart: and man will be born a wild ass's colt

Behold, he will pull down and it shall not be built up: he will shut up against man and it shall not be opened.

Removing the lip to the faithful, and he will take discernment of old men.

Behold all mine eye saw, and mine ear heard, and it will understand for it

Is it good that he shall search you out?, or as he mocking against a man; will ye mock against him?

And man will die and be weak: and man will expire, and where is he?

And man lay down and he will not rise: till the heavens be no more they shall not awake and rise from their sleep.

My transgression is sealed up in a purse, and thou wilt patch upon mine iniguity.

The waters rubbed the stones: thou wilt overflow the flowings of the dust of the earth; and thou didst destroy the hope of man.

Shalt thou be the firm man born? and hadst thou a beginning before the hills?

But now he made me weary: thou hast made desolate all mine assembly.

He rent in his anger, and he will lie in wait for me, gnashing upon me with his teeth; mine enemy will sharpen his eyes against me.

My friends mocking me: to God mine eye wept.

Shall he judge for a man with God? and the son of man for his neighbor?

If not mockings with me? and shall not mine eye lodge in their bitterness?

He removed my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance truly turned aside from me.

Which I shall see for myself, and mine eyes beheld, and not a stranger: my reins were finished in my bosom.

Thou knewest this from everlasting when man was set upon the earth:

This the portion of an unjust man and the lot of his command from God.

I, is my complaint to man? and then wherefore shall not my spirit be shortened?

And the clods of the valley were sweet to him, and every man shall draw after him, and before him no number.

Shall a man profit to God as he understanding shall profit for himself?

And the man of arm, to him the earth; and the lifted up of face dwelt in it.

Wilt thou watch the path of old which men of iniquity trod?

From the city men will groan, and the soul of the wounded will cry out: and God will not set folly.

Behold even to the moon, and it shall not shine; and the stars were not clean in his eyes.

Mine enemy shall be as the unjust one, and he rising up against me, as the evil one.

This the portion of an unjust man with God, and the inheritance of the terrible they shall take from the Almighty.

The torrent broke out from the sojourner; being forgotten of the foot, they were weak, they wandered from men.

And man knew not its estimation, and it shall not be found in the land of the living.

If my going will incline from the way, and my heart went after mine eyes, and a blemish did cleave upon my hands:

For it is a fire; it will devour even to destruction, and will root out upon all mine increase.

My shoulder shall fall from its shoulder-blade, and mine, arm shall be broken from the bone.

If the men of my tent said not, Who will give from his flesh? We shall not be satisfied.

If I covered my transgression, as man, to hide mine iniquity in my bosom:

Who will give to me hearing to me.? Behold, my sign, the Almighty will answer me, and the man contending with me wrote a book.

And these three men will cease from answering Job, for he is just in his eyes.

And Elihu will see that not an Answer in the mouth of the three men, and his anger will kindle,

And Elihu, the son of Barachel the Buzite will answer and say, I few for days, and ye old men; for this I was afraid, and I shall fear showing you my knowledge.

Lest ye shall say, We found wisdom: God will thrust him, not man.

Not now shall I lift up the face of man, and I shall not flatter to man.

Surely thou spakest in mine ear and I will hear the voice of thy words.

Behold, this thou wert not just: I will answer thee, for God will be great above man.

In a dream, in a vision of the night, in the falling of deep sleep upon men, in slumbers upon the bed;

Then he will uncover the ear of men, and will seal in their instruction,

To remove man from working, and he will bide pride from man.

If there is a messenger upon him, an interpreter, one from a thousand, to announce to man his uprightness:

He shall pray to God and he shall receive him into favor: and he shall see his face with rejoicing, and he will turn back to man his justice.