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Who rejoice even exultingly and are glad when they find the grave? --

Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh even out of the thorns; and the snare gapeth for his substance.

Even now, behold, my Witness is in the heavens, and he that voucheth for me is in the heights.

He that betrayeth friends for a prey even the eyes of his children shall fail.

Even when I think thereon, I am affrighted, and trembling taketh hold of my flesh.

Even him that is not innocent shall he deliver; yea, he shall be delivered by the pureness of thy hands.

Even to-day is my complaint bitter: my stroke is heavier than my groaning.

Lo, even the moon is not bright; and the stars are not pure in his sight:

(Let me be weighed in an even balance, and +God will take knowledge of my blamelessness;)

In a moment they die, even at midnight the people are convulsed and pass away; and the strong are taken away without hand.

He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous, but with kings on the throne doth he even set them for ever; and they are exalted.

Even so would he have allured thee out of the jaws of distress into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and the supply of thy table would be full of fatness.

His thundering declareth concerning him; the cattle even, concerning its coming.

He bendeth his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are woven together.

Lo, hope as to him is belied: is not one cast down even at the sight of him?