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Then the Sabeans {attacked}, and they took them, and they slew the servants {by the edge of the sword}. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

While this one was still speaking, {another} came and said, "The fire of God fell from the heavens, and it blazed up against the sheep and goats and against the servants, and it consumed them. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

While this one was still speaking, {another} came and said, "The Chaldeans formed three divisions, and they made a raid on the camels, and they carried them away, and they struck your servants {by the edge of the sword}, but I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

And behold, a great wind came from across the desert, and it struck the four corners of the house {so that} it fell upon the young people, and they died. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

So Yahweh {asked} Satan, "Have you {considered} my servant Job? Indeed, there is no one like him on the earth--a blameless man and upright and God-fearing and turning away from evil. And still he persists in his blamelessness {even though} you incited me against him to destroy him for nothing."

[Is] not your fear [in God] your confidence? [Is not] your hope even the integrity of your ways?

And he saves from the sword of their mouth, {even} [the] poor from the hand of the strong.

"Loyal love [should come] for the afflicted [from] his friend, even if he forsakes the fear of Shaddai.

Even over [the] orphan you would cast the lot, and you would bargain over your friend.

"Even I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in my spirit's anguish; I will complain in my inner self's bitterness.

whom I cannot answer, even though I am righteous? From my judge I must implore grace.

Even though I am righteous, my mouth will condemn me; [even though] I [am] blameless, yet it would pronounce me guilty.

Even on such a one you fix your eyes, and you bring me into judgment with you.

"All of the wicked [one's] days he is writhing, even [through] the number of years that are laid up for the tyrant.

Even though his stature mounts up to the heaven, and his head reaches to the clouds,

"Even today my complaint [is] bitter; my hand is heavy in addition to my groaning.

Look, even [the] moon {is not bright}, and [the] stars are not pure in his sight.

Indeed, God speaks in one [way], even in two, [yet] [someone] does not perceive it.

"And he is reproved with pain on his bed, even [with] the strife of his bones continually,

Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; even twice, but I will not proceed."

Look, [if the] river is turbulent, it is not frightened; it is confident even though [the] Jordan rushes against its mouth.

"Look, {the hope of capturing it} is false. Will one be hurled down even at its sight?

They are close {to one another}-- even [the] air cannot come between them.