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as it is written in the book of the prophecies of Esaias, "the voice of one crying in the desart, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths clear.

and blessed is he, who does not make me the occasion of his fall.

and he said to them make no provision for your journey: take neither staff, nor sack, nor bread, nor money; and but one coat for each.

for they were about five thousand. but Jesus said to his disciples, make them sit down by fifties in a company.

who discours'd about the exit, he was to make at Jerusalem;

he is frequently seized by a spirit, which makes him immediately roar, then throws him into convulsions with foaming, and never leaves him, but with difficulty and bruises.

do you stupidly imagine that he, who made the outward man, did not make the inward too?

happy those servants, whom the master at his arrival shall find thus watching: I assure you, he shall gird himself, and make them sit at table, and will come to serve them.

Then he said to the Pharisee, that had invited him, when you give a dinner, or a supper, don't call your friends, or your brethren, or kinsmen, or wealthy neighbours; lest they invite you again, and make you a requital.

and he was reduced to want, which forc'd him to make his application to one of the inhabitants there, who sent him to his farm to look after his swine.

how many years have I serv'd you, without having ever disobey'd your orders? and yet you never bestow'd a kid upon me, to make merry with my friends:

as soon as Jesus came at the place, he look'd up, and seeing him, Zaccheus, said he, make haste down; for I intend to dine at your house to-day.

but he being hated by the citizens, after he was gone, they sent a deputation to court, to make this protest, "we will not have him for our king."

I tell you, said he, that to every one who improves, more shall be given: and he that makes no improvement, shall be stript of what he has.

Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, go, and make provision for our eating the paschal-lamb.